Eating, sleeping, licking, repeat.
Other dogs who like dogs, cats who tolerate dogs, pigs, rabbits, guinea pigs, horses, assorted birds, other animals, human friends, and especially ballplayers.
I know how to sing. Just ask me to.
When I'm home alone I get to listen to Animal Planet, and the Discovery Channel.
Yeah, I'm illiterate.
What is your name? Sophie Pig
What is your owner's name? Mommy
Do you have any nicknames? Piggy, Porky, Sophia.
Which breed are you? Beagle/ Black Lab /Chow
What is your birthday? May 25th.
Do you live with other animals? I've lived with Olivia, Kiki, Frank, Joe, Cindi Lou Hoo, and Winston.
How much do you weigh? 55 lbs.
Are you neutered? Spayed.
What is your favorite treat? Ice Cubes.
What are you most afraid of? The vacuum cleaner.
Do you like baths? Showers.
How much did you cost? I was free.
Where do you sleep? In my Mom's bed.
What is your favorite toy? The ostrich.
Do you like to watch TV? I listen to it.
Do you do any tricks? I sing, roll over, shake, sit, lay down, stay, and stand.
Are you a social dog? I like other animals a lot.
Are you friendly? Yes I am.
Do you like car rides? Yes, especially if I get to stick my head out the window.
Do you get into stuff? No, thats for BAD dogs.
Do you chase laser pointers? No, because I'm not an idiot.