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About Me

Lipe Forbes is the name behind the consecrated Skulptor project. At 24 years old , he's one of the most respecteds artists in the brazilian psytrance scene, wich is considered the biggest in the world.
Lipe started to play in 1996, by the time he was only 14 years old and was already playing house music in club like Circus, Oz and also some parties in Campos do Jordão. In 99, he declaims his style: became to represent only trance. Putting his talent, his good influences and his soon experience as a dj, he started to produce some tracks in his home pc. And after and audio engineering course, Lipe decides to build his own studio. By the end of 2001, he releases one of his first tracks, the MDMario, under the project name Insane Tubulators, the track that uses the samples of the game Mario Bros, became a hit all over the world, giving strength to keep him going.
And the rest is history..he creates the Skulptor project in 2002, with a full on style, with high techs bass lines,and of course joining all its good influences... the sucess formula of the Skulptor project was schematized. That nowdays has performed on the most respectful events all over the world.
Trought this working years, Lipe had the time to create many side projects to develop many differents kinds os music and style. Oracle and Efexor are good examples of this.
In 2003 he released a trance album named "The Summer is Over" by the brazilian label High End Records. In 2006 Lipe's side project named Oracle, released an album called "Wish Away" by the french label Mandala Records.
Also, he has already released two compilations named HI-FI and HI-FI 2 only with brazilian artists, and relesead many tracks in brazilian and internationals compilations...... Now he's releasing a new album called "Natural", by the the brazilian label Wired Music.
The album is vey versatile, and with extense musical feedback, “Natural” results from a huge research and dancefloor tests. With unique style, Lipe mixed his singularity with pure trance music: uplifting melodies and deep vocals perfectly fitted with power guitar solos and classic nylon guitar lines. Not to mention his finest and crystal sound quality.
Take a listen at the samples... you will like it!
For Bookings and infos:
email /msn: [email protected] / [email protected]
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My Interests


Member Since: 9/1/2006
Band Website: /
Band Members: Lipe Forbes
Make your own scroller sign at!
Influences:VIRADA CULTURAL SP - 2007
Sounds Like:
Record Label: Wired Music
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog


FOR BOOKINGS AND INFOS         & nbsp;         & nbsp;         & nbs...
Posted by Skulptor on Sun, 18 Mar 2007 11:43:00 PST

Nova entrevista Skulptor p/ Balada Planet

Nova entrevista Skulptor Balada Planet ..>..> ..> Entrevista Lipe Forbes - aka Skulptor, veterano da cena eletrônica brasileira!!  ..>..> ..> Matéria   . ..> ..>..> ..> ..> ..>...
Posted by Skulptor on Sun, 18 Mar 2007 11:37:00 PST

Entrevista para a revista eletrônica de moda SKY   ..> ..> ..> ..> ..> ..> Música Eletrônica Por Dudu Lima Fotos: Divulgação ..>..> ..> A capa do cd Natural...>..>..> Lipe Forbes é o n...
Posted by Skulptor on Fri, 02 Mar 2007 08:48:00 PST

Skulptor comenta seu novo álbum no Psyte

12/02/2007 16:01:56 Skulptor comenta seu segundo álbum "Natural" Após três anos de seu primeiro álbum, "The Summer is Over", lançado em 2003 pela High Ends Records, o produtor Lipe Forbes volta tr...
Posted by Skulptor on Sun, 18 Mar 2007 11:32:00 PST

Entrevista Oracle - Balada Planet

ENTREVISTA ORACLE - Balada Planet O projeto brasileiro formado por Lipe Forbes e Frederico Botelho a.k.a Fritz   fotografo chico nunes Oracle é o projeto brasileiro formado por Lipe Fo...
Posted by Skulptor on Mon, 20 Nov 2006 11:50:00 PST

Entrevista SK 11/02 - Site Portal da Night

Conversamos com Dj Lipe Forbes (Skulptor/ Oracle), confira o que rolou nesse bate papo!Lipe, nos diga o que você fazia antes de ser Dj?Engraçado, eu era alpinista. Eu escalava montanhas e era patrocin...
Posted by Skulptor on Fri, 01 Sep 2006 12:19:00 PST

Entrevista SK - 10/05/05

Skulptor (High End Records) SP Skulptor é Lipe Forbes. Seu projeto Skulptor, tenta trazer uma experiência totalmente hi-tech, com inúmeras influências de músicas, ele tenta criar um novo estilo de ful...
Posted by Skulptor on Fri, 01 Sep 2006 12:24:00 PST