Holistic living,Pan Africanist, BOXING, History,training, investing, Hip Hop Activism, Community building., BIBLE PROPHECY..I saw The Holy City, The New Jerusalem coming down out of heaven from God...Rev21:2, Revolutionary Freedom Fighters... ...I love to travel.............preparing for a 40 day trip to Africa late summer of 2008. .
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0671192019187" ..Also Underground hip hop with heavy lyrical content.Underground Christian Rap Basically music with messages. .....
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Too many to list. I have a mini library now. I'm constantly reading.But the book that stays in my hands is the Bible..."In his right hand He held 7 stars,and out of his mouth came a sharp double-edged sword."(Rev 1:16) That's the Power of Truth, The power of God's words--it cuts like a sharp double-edged sword....We must continue to study and break open the chains of mental slavery..... img src="http://i106.photobucket.com/albums/m244/misspriss312/bl ack%20art/knowledgeispower.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Y'shua,Jesus. Truth crushed to the earth shall rise again