ironi profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

imagine that each night, when you go to sleep, you die. the person that wakes up the next morning is not you. yes, he may have your memories, your experiences, but he is not the same man. i stole the mind of yesterday. i know i only have one day to live my life and i will make the best of it to pass it on to the me who will wake up tomorrow. i don't give a shit about rules and social norms. life and experience are the only motives for action.

My Interests

movies, books, music, freak, graphics, computers, film, technology, philosophy, dreaming, wanting, being, believing, changing, adapting, life, love, extremes, disestablishmentarianism, contrarianism, taoism, martial arts, japan, russia, hallucinogenics, travel, eccentricity, passion, deviance, mystery, energy.

I'd like to meet:



gothic, industrial, techno, rock, classic rock, alternative, punk, ebm, synthpop, darkwave, 80's pop.


too many to name


the adult swim lineup is usually pretty good. i don't watch much else besides maybe some standup on comedy central. working in TV kinda kills your desire to watch it.


jesus, how much time do you think i have? to summarize: i like to read.


my dream persona. let's just say, i don't fully trust anything i didn't have a hand in constructing.

My Blog


it seems everyone is on this thing now. well, it's challenging enough for me to keep my livejournal up to date. dealing with 2 blogs is too much of a commitment so i think i'll just connect the two....
Posted by ironi on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST