movies, books, music, freak, graphics, computers, film, technology, philosophy, dreaming, wanting, being, believing, changing, adapting, life, love, extremes, disestablishmentarianism, contrarianism, taoism, martial arts, japan, russia, hallucinogenics, travel, eccentricity, passion, deviance, mystery, energy.
gothic, industrial, techno, rock, classic rock, alternative, punk, ebm, synthpop, darkwave, 80's pop.
too many to name
the adult swim lineup is usually pretty good. i don't watch much else besides maybe some standup on comedy central. working in TV kinda kills your desire to watch it.
jesus, how much time do you think i have? to summarize: i like to read.
my dream persona. let's just say, i don't fully trust anything i didn't have a hand in constructing.