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The Shaw is the Law

About Me

Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / Hellraiser

My Interests

I am very interested in having healthy bowel movements everyday.

I'd like to meet:

Hello my name is Ian Shaw. I am a 20 year old prolific career man who enjoys loud music and even louder parties. For me its all about the metal, going fucking nuts! Now im not talking about this new wave of bullshit metal bands where every song is a ripoff of Pantera in one way or another, im talking about the good heavy shit, like some thrash like Sodom or Kreator, or some Norwegian black metal like Immortal, I could go on forever so ill just make a list- Pantera, Sodom,Kreator,Immortal,Slayer,Sepultura,SFU,Cannibal Corpse,Deicide,OLD Metallica,Black Sabbath,Death,Exodus,Cradle of Filth,Testament,Manowar,Macabre,Chrome Division,Megadeth,Faith No More,Anthrax,Down,Superjoint Ritual, Damage Plan,MOURNING STAR( some of you know what the fucks up,terror at the park fuckers)Behemoth,Dark Angel,Guns N Roses,Kiss,Overkill,Harvest,Cataclysm,Dead Water(representing Southern Illinois),Mayem,Darkthrone,Ornament of Disgrace,Harkonin,Nothing Changes,Divulsion,Destruction,Municipal Waste,Celtic Frost, I ,Meliah Rage,Suffocation,




I like the Jesus with the Kung-Fu grip. And Artie the Strongest Man in the World.