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About Me

A Hunk'O Burning Love!!! Entertainer Coach driver,Guitar Tech. and Player,Certified Live and Recording Sound Engineer,Luthier,T.M.,B.M.,Singer/Songwriter and Casual hockey player and fan,and Part time EMT-B.(JOAT-MON). I beleave we are all vibrations of a higher power.Our thoughts,words and deeds vibrationally effect us physically,mentally,and spiritually.In the end all is revealed and nothing you've thought or have done is ever hidden;Your true integrity is exsposed. The best way to live is by example,not so much by what you say,but by what you do.(Walk the walk).Though speach and communication are comforting , as it can confirm or open your own inner place to larger more illustrious spaces or thoughts of being. To me,I think that laughter and having a big yellow happy face on your heart at all times is the only place to be.So sing a song through the instrument that was given to you as a gift.....Your Life.Someone once wrote:"If music be the food of the soul,play on",and thus being so, It's not so much about techneque as it is about heart...So go forth and feel your life..every moment,every breath,every thought,really feel it! BB King plays single notes (No Chords)...That is what I call FEEL!

My Interests

People with unconditional Love in their hearts and souls.
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I'd like to meet:

People who love life. People who get it when I say very ZEN. Business people who do unto others as they would have done unto them. Politicians who are idealistic and truely beleave in a hopeful future,and that is why they are involved in politics. Health care professionals who take their oath very seriously. Religious people who have an open mind and walk with humility. Sports figures and Entertainers who get what they do, why they are over paid, and are giving and grateful for all of it; Most of all people who live with full tilt Zest and Zeal and experience life through action.People who don't judge others and love them no matter what. You are my friend and fellow traveler, we should talk sometime or just hang out for a moment. Have your people call me, we'll do lunch.:)


All types,from Classical to punk and everything in the middle.I believe music is the vibrational manipulation of the soul,depending on where my heads at or how I'm feeling, is reflected in the type of music I will listen to.To express oneself through music and verse is an awesome format and we should all be so lucky to live in a country where freedom of expression is admired and encouraged.Carpe Deim.


Princess Bride,What the Bleep do we know,Spinal Tap,Music of the Heart,Mr.Hollands Opus,National Lampoons Christmas Vacation,Dead Poets Society,City of Angels,Ghost,Grand Canyon,Hero,Patch,Batman Returns,The five people you meet in Heaven.


American Idol,American Chopper,Monster Garage,History Channel,Discovery Channel,and anything scientific,NHL and College hockey,Bengals football,(even when they were loosing),sometimes Reds baseball.Red Dwarf,Black Adder,Family Guy and sometimes Tripping on the Riff.


The Bible,Book of Budda,The I Ching, Conversations with God,The Celestian Prophecy,Zen and the art of motorcycle Maintanance,The great Gatsby,Letters to Phillip,The Isiah Effect,The Hiram Key,My conversations with Morray,The Purpose driven Life, Also read my blog (Life is...)



My Blog

Entertainer Coach Driver training program

Hello every one...We are pleased to announce our First Entertainer Coach Driver Training Course! Our maiden voyage starts December 3rd/2007-December 7th/2007. We will be leaving Nashville,TN on the 3r...
Posted by Nelvis on Mon, 15 Oct 2007 10:27:00 PST


Time has built my shoulders so wide,to carry your indesisive mind, right or left I couldn't find a color to match your sensitive eyes. (And in the same breath that I love you,it's in that same breath ...
Posted by Nelvis on Sun, 25 Mar 2007 09:25:00 PST

As I grow old....

As I grow older and some may say wiser, I pray that I may have the smile of a 3 year old who just recieved a chocolate ice cream cone for no apparent reason. As I countinue in my years, I pray that I ...
Posted by Nelvis on Wed, 29 Nov 2006 06:54:00 PST

Eyes don't lie..

Next time you find yourself in envy or lust of an image or a person you are looking at. Look into the eyes and see if you can find the real beauty.Because in the soul lies the true meaning of beauty a...
Posted by Nelvis on Wed, 11 Oct 2006 07:55:00 PST

The two flames of the soul

Inside your soul burns two flames that in this life never exstinguish; One burns red the other burns blue, and once you are dead your flame dies with you. It isn't that bad or as fatal as it may seem ...
Posted by Nelvis on Sun, 20 Aug 2006 04:46:00 PST


I will run through your valleys, swim your deepest oceans, to rest in your shadow for eternity. For you are my maker, my soul image in all that surrounds me. If I should faulter I know you w...
Posted by Nelvis on Fri, 21 Jul 2006 10:46:00 PST

Life Is...

Life is not what happens to you it is how you handle what happens to you. Love is not who or how many people love you....It is who and how many "You" love....Like the saying for the Hard Rock Cafe goe...
Posted by Nelvis on Sat, 10 Sep 2005 08:51:00 PST