illustration/graffiti/graphic design/pop surealism/designer toys/artoys
horror movies : house of 1000 corpses/the devil's rejects/ halloween (rob zombie)/ planet terror/ death proof, creep, shaun of the dead, dawn of the dead, the texas chainsaw massacre, wrong turn, the hill have eyes, saw, severance, the skeleton key, motel, the reaping, 1408. tim burton movies,ed wood,les frères grimm,the grinch,les désastreuses aventures des orphelins baudelaire,les monty python,la 4th dimension,le prisonnier, hitchcok,the avengers,les mystères de l'ouest,dexter,the shield,six feet under,apocalypto,the fountain,the island, soleil vert,planet of the apes,les fils de l'homme,v pour vendetta,l'échelle de jacob,pie,dark city, dune,le sens de la vie,brazil,lost,i robot,totall recall,star wars,sin city,300,le labyrinthe de pan,dead man,big fish,eternal sunshine of the spotless mind,vanilla sky,collision,l'effet papillion,donnie darko,l'antre de la folie,identity,shinning,the pursuit of happyness,21 grammes,mulholland drive,freaks,mystic river,million dollar baby,la 25 eme heure,crazy, american history,usual suspect,slevin,intermission,fargo,ghost dog,another day in paradise,drugstore cowboy,las vegas parano, requiem for a dream,la citée de dieu,oz,carandiru, </
no tv