MELISSA [BUSINESS] profile picture


I am here for Networking

About Me

I knew something was wrong with me that summer, because all I could think about was the Rosenbergs and how stupid I'd been to buy all those uncomfortable, expensive clothes, hanging limp as fish in my closet, and how all the little successes I'd totted up so happily at college fizzled to nothing outside the slick marble and plate-glass fronts along Madison Avenue.

I was supposed to be having the time of my life

melissa: 22.female.5'10.single.employed.relentless sarcasm.tends to be private.i live my life the way i then why am i not doing what i want with my life?needs to stop caring so much about what others think.fuck it.somewhat envious of those who have a relationship with jesus, god, whoever.& learns something new everyday

My Interests

music//tattoos//miller lite//amp//sleep//camel lights in traffic.

aim x2xkoolx4xskool

I'd like to meet:

a total stranger one black day
knocked living the hell out of me...

suggest new music to me.

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damien rice - 9//danger doom - the mouse & the mask//the shins - wincing the night away//brand new - the devil & god are raging inside me.


eternal sunshine//requiem//crank.




you shall above all things be glad and young for if you're young, whatever life you wear

it will become you; and if you are glad whatever's living will yourself become.


alexandra patsavas
mister butch walker.

My Blog

promote! promote! promote!

I strongly support the following bands & artists and I suggest you go checkl them out. Give their music a listen, and please get hooked on what they are manufacturing for your ears. Believe me. I woul...
Posted by MELISSA [BUSINESS] on Thu, 15 Feb 2007 02:39:00 PST

melissa 101

Melissa 101A. i don't necessarily think that i am unique, but you will certainly never meet anyone quite like me. i promise.B. i've found that i tend to get obnoxious when shows.C. i per...
Posted by MELISSA [BUSINESS] on Sat, 30 Dec 2006 04:57:00 PST