Urban Design
Political Science
My Abode
Eating chicken wings (although i dont do that nearly often enough), school (sometimes), haircuts, karaoke, layering (for fashion and for warmth), driving really fast, staring into space, attempting to sleep 8 hours a night and failing miserably, beer snobbery, calzones, energy drinks, moodiness, midnight snacks, things that match, 5 speeds, all-you-can-eat buffets, preoccupation, being a workaholic, being sickly, choice words, BBQ eatin', historic preservation, reading books and thinking too much, things with the word "turbo" in them, colors.
Oh, and my soon to be realised band.
Which VW Are You?
by Auto Glass Across America
People whom my mom refer to as "Smartypants." also: Intruiging lads, Rockin Chicas, Cheeky fellows, Eccentric intellectuals, Venture capitalists, Party animals.
allow me a little daydream:
clicks, beeps, glitches and buzzes.
I like a few.
Never watch it.
Are my friends.
I prefer hoagies, actually.