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Benjamin Pask

awesome. AWESOME.

About Me

I like skateboarding, films, birdwatching, books and movies, drinking coffee in the shower, getting clopsy, griping about things.

My Interests

Staring at screens. Reading and writing. Listening to music and BBC Radio 4. Riding my thrash stick. Enjoying the beautiful Scottish countryside. Walking around London.


My favourite combo is Boygasm, particularly their long-player 'Freak me with Your Widdle Stick'. Whimsy aside, I like: Pixies, The Smiths, Belle and Sebastin, Deerhoof, DEVO, Adam Green, the Decemberists, Orange Juice, Camera Obscura, Cat Power, Sleater-Kinney, Eagles of Death Metal; Butthole Surfers, David Bowie, Artie Shaw, and Django Reinhart. Devendra Banhart, Ween, Lou Barlow; Boards of Canada, Plastikman, Liquid Liquid, Can, and Captain Beefheart. Go! Team, Brian Eno, The Concretes, Futureheads; Queens of the Stone Age, Neil Young, Sonic Youth, and Bix Beiderbeck. Simon and Garfunkel, Mos Def, Public Enemy, Talking Heads; Carl Craig, Black Dog, Moondog, the Make Up, Neu!, Plaid, and Beck. Kate Bush, Arcade Fire, Sons and Daughters, Aimee Mann, Tegan and Sara, Magnetic Fields, Os Mutantes, Matthew Ward, Tom Waits, The Knife, Interpol, Polysics, Sufjan Stevens, et cetera, et cetera...


Off the top of my head - 'The Phantom of the Opera' (1925); 'The Big Lebowski'; 'The Magic Box'; 'Rushmore'; 'The Lost Boys'; 'A Matter of Life and Death'; 'American Movie', 'To Kill A Mockingbird'; 'Twelve Angry Men'; 'The Producers'. I like David Lynch, Darren Aronovsky, Carol Reed, Powell and Pressburger, Charlie Kaufman.Skateboard films - 'Video Days'; 'Animal Chin', Plan B's 'Questionable'; Tilt Mode's 'Man Down'.


Telly I like - I Need The Toilet!, Lost, Sopranos, Nanny Squawk, Late Review, Peep Show, Garth Marenghi, Chris Morris stuff, Adult Swim stuff, Dick and Dom, Six Feet Under. On radio - That Mitchell and Webb Sound, Just A Minute, AM, PM, the Archers (never pay attention to it, but it's a comforting background burble while I eat my tea).


Kurt Vonnegut, Haruki Murakami, J.D. Salinger, Donna Tartt, Philip Larkin, Philip Roth, Chuck Palahniuk, Douglas Coupland, Hemingway, F Scott Fitzgerald, Steinbeck, Thomas Pynchon, Flannery O'Connor. Among others.


Mark Gonzales, Kurt Vonnegut, David Cleveland, that dude Mike out of 'American Movie'. Morrissey. Kathleen Hanna. Daniel Gesmer.

My Blog

A man responding well

The daily blog intentions have been thwarted by lack of web connection in the domestic environment. The following comes to you from inside a cafe in Goswell Road. The past weeks have contained more pe...
Posted by Benjamin Pask on Sat, 27 May 2006 06:09:00 PST

my first proper blog/ backgrounder

Here is some context information: I moved to London in January. I had been living/ working in Belfast (although I am from Scotland). I came to London to do a job related to moving-image archiving. I'v...
Posted by Benjamin Pask on Sun, 14 May 2006 12:13:00 PST

my blogging intentions

I am considering starting to write a diary-style blog about my life. My life is pretty amazing, and I sometimes see famous people and do some pretty kickin' things which might be intere...
Posted by Benjamin Pask on Sun, 14 May 2006 10:38:00 PST

The Pink Intoxicator

I have named my current skateboard The Pink Intoxicator, Mark II. I dislike the utilitarian attitude that most skateboarders adopt towards their thrash-sticks. Rather than whack a plain piece of b...
Posted by Benjamin Pask on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST