Encouraging others, giving, trying to help where I can, volunteering, teaching, graphic designs, computers, and anything where I can be creative.
I'd like to meet YOU! I would also say Jesus here, but I already met Him. Would you like for me to introduce Him to you? We go way back. Here on earth, James Earl Jones, Patti Labelle ('cause I heard about her peach cobbler). John P. Kee, Fred Hammond, and Kirk Franklin (I got serious about God and joined a church while being inspired by their music. Up until that point, gospel music bored me). I'd also like to meet anyone who'd like to know more about Jesus.
"Courage is doing what you are afraid to do. There can be no courage unless you're scared." -Eddie Rickenbacher"You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing which you think you cannot do."-Eleanor Roosevelt"Courage is an everyday thing. When we look reality squarely in the eye and refuse to back away from our awareness, we are living courage."-Unknown"Courage never kicks in until you first recognize fear. In the midst of courage, success comes when you believe that God has not given you a spirit of fear, but of power, of love, and a sound mind; and that the battle does not belong to you, but to God!" -Me"Greatness is not achieved by doing something extraordinary. It is achieved by doing the same way consistently. That is the key to making a lasting impression, not that you had a great moment, but that in all you do you gave it your all. When people knew they could count on you, you were there. And when people knew that they could not count on you, you were still there doing the same thing. It's a bonus with Christ in your life, because you are assured to do great things with the greatest living within you." -Me
Fred Hammond, REIN, Nicole Mullen, Kirk Franklin, John P. Kee, Yolanda Adams, DONNIE MCLURKIN!!! Israel, Fred Hammond, Marvin Sapp, William Murphy, Donnie Mclurkin. If it's ministering music, okay play it! I also like clean jazz and easy listening, preferably instrumentals. Did I mention Fred and Donnie already? Oh.....see, what had happened wuz.... :-)
I remember seeing Fred live some years back when I first was getting into church. It was a FREE concert...a FREEEE concert that he gave, and it was so awesome and inspirational. The brother had an altar call! Now that's what I'm talking about..music MINISTRY! Then I saw Yolanda down in Miami for Easter, and she brought tears to my macho eyes. And Donnie....he sings from every part of him. You can't listen to him and not be moved. I was upset and hard when I heard William Murphy for the first time. He sang "Changes" and it changed me from hard to crying like a baby. I saw Nicole Mullen after a basketball game. She sang "My Redeemer" and did sign language as she sang. Wasn't a dry eye in the building. When she finished, all you heard was *sniff* *sniff*. And REIN....I am anticipating that album!!!! That's my sister ya'll, that's my sister!
Tonya Ware - Put My Hand In Yours
Watch Music Videos at www.blastro.com
The B-I-B-L-E, yes that's the book for me. I'm leaning on the word of God, the B-I-B-L-E!
Jesus Christ! I was dying and He agreed to be a blood donor. That saved me and I have been alive every since. My parents are my hero. They are such an inspiration and an example for me and I love them dearly. I am glad God chose them to bring me to be a part of. Rein, my sister from another mother...and father lol. My heroes gives me so much love, that it makes it easy for me to love YOU!