ZRG (Ferenc Topa) was born in Hungary in the middle of the 80'es. As a teenager, he realized his addiction to music and bought his first drums. It wasn't a complete and satisfying musical experience for him, so he started adding some melodies with a free music software and creating his own demos. After years of jamming, one of his tracks ("Message of the Unknown") appeared in a Hungarian compilation called "True Sound of FreeE 5" in 2004. In the meanwhile, some of his tracks were played in different clubs by his dj friends. Later, he himself began djing due to a friend called dj Maybe and in the same year he became the resident of a Technoparty-session (TechTime), where he had the chance to spin the vinyls with artists like Eric Sneo (Tube Tech), Pet Duo, Diana D'Rouz, Collins & Behnam etc. from the international scene and Newl, NorY, Maybe etc. from the Hungarians. In his own productions, groovy techno became the dominator. The first hit was the theme for TechTime (co-produced by Steve Brick). The guys also made a music video for it which was followed by the TechTime Tour. His tracks appeared on compilations like Hungarian Techno Only vol.1, vol.2 and made remixes to a few hungarian artists. As Techtime became a wellknown event, ZRG got the opportunity to show his best in other clubs, f.ex: Kashmir Underground @ Budapest, Supersonic @ Budapest, and many more. In 2006 - as TechTime ended (due to the change of the style of that club) - he decided to turn back to his forgotten love: house music. As a result now he focuses on his brandnew projects: He became the composer/co-producer for a great english artist, D'Andre Michael Jnr! The tracks for the first EP with vocal house bombs are done, the guys are working on the second one. His other project is a much more underground one: mainly house mixed with electro-vibes, techhouse-grooves, and progressive-textures.
Although his producing career is in an early phase, his tracks are regularly played by big names in Hungary. In 2007 he started to open to the international field and since then he made releases at: Harlequin Recording Group (USA) Steal My Oil Rec. (UK) Nuhar Records (I) Christian Records (Ro) Bosphorus Underground Recordings, etc. and got positive feedbacks from many more..
VIVA TV - music video, interview;
FreeE Magazin - interview, news;
party sites:,,,,,, etc - party infos
WEBSITES: - works, but its under reconstruction
zrg (at) zrg (dot) hu
A titokzazos név mögött rejlo fiatalember a zenei életben 2004-óta van jelen producerként, 2006-óta pedig nemzetközi megjelenésekkel is büszkélkedhet, többek között a nagymúltú Harlequin Recording Group (USA) jóvoltából, és olyan djk játszák vagy toplistázzák a zenéit, mint DJ Tarkan. A ZRG projekt mellett a francia Neogene Music egyik projektjében is tevékenykedik, melynek keretében egy angol énekes, D'Andre Michael Jnr debütáló kislemezének zenei anyagáért lett felelos. Dj-ként a legnagyobb elismerés az genovai Nuhar Club felkérése volt, ahol a hamisÃtatlan olasz partyhangulattal is megismerkedhetett.
Rövid visszatekintés:
Eloször 2004-ben találkozhatott vele a közönség a True Sound of FreeE 5 válogatáslemezen, ahol a "Message of the Unknown" cÃmu trackkel szerepelt. Ezt követte a fent emlÃtett két válogatáslemez, melyeken összesen 4 zenéje jelent meg. A pozitÃv fogadtatás hatására a remixfelkérések sem maradtak el: Collins & Behnam (U make the rulez - mayday 2005) D.Deejay & Dj Zola (Dropped) sot még Spy the Ghost (Éjjel Érkezem) is bovÃtette a diszkográfiát. Ezzel párhuzamosan egyre több zenéjét játszották djk, és elérkezett az ido, hogy o maga is a pult mögé álljon. A debütálás a gödölloi Club Play falai közt évekig nagy sikerrel futó partysorozaton, a Tech Time-on valósult meg, ahol ezután rezidenssé vált és olyan nevekkel zenélhetett együtt, mint Eric Sneo, Marco Nastic, Pet Duo, Diana D'Rouz, Newl, Collins & Behnam stb. Eközben elkészÃtette akkori szerzotársával, Steve Brick-kel (Dj Tégla) a TechTime hivatalos himnuszát is, melyhez a srácok videoklipet is forgattak, amit a VIVA TV is játszott. Ahogy a sorozat egyre népszerubb lett, ZRG-t is egyre több helyre hÃvták, Ãgy nyÃlt alkalma például a budapesti Kashmir Undergroundban, vagy a szintén fovárosi Supersonicban lemezeket pakolni. Késobb a partysorozat végével ZRG úgy döntött, visszatér eredeti szerelméhez, az eros dobokkal operáló, kÃsérletezos hangulattal megfuszerezett techhouse-hoz, melyben lehet electro, minimal, tribal, acid, a lényeg, hogy táncparkettorientált legyen.
kiadók: Harlequin Recording Group (USA), Tweek'd (USA), Nu-Waves (I-FR) Bosphorus Underground (TR) Steal My Oil Rec. (UK), Nuhar Records (I), Silk Digital (RU), BUKSI (H) FreeE (H)
médiaszereplések: VIVA TV, Proton Radio,, Discreet FM, stb.