Hello my name is Lucy. I'm a cool bird with alot of word from the UK. I know that you're probably wondering what makes me different from all of the others....I sing, write, produce, dance and love potatoes!!!!! I'm a strong, wise, experienced, focussed lil' music gurl ready to take over the world!
My band: Me n my laptop.....!When you hear Overnight Success...trust me its not true....its taken 3 years for my overnight...and now I'm ready to start taking my music to the world..... I've been singing for as long as I can remember....if there was a chance to sing I was there doing it....I caught a break when I was spotted by Will.I Am..of the Black Eyed Peas....dont think he'd ever met a girl like me......not tall and skinny like the models you see in the magazines.....'cute and muscled' he said...I'd say fit...But he got me to go to Philly and record some songs.....let me spend time with all the people who make music as well as recording it.....I had this idea that it would help me when I came to making my own songs......I'm not good at sitting around.....when I came back to the UK that's sort of what happened....the people at record companies couldn't decide if I should be put into a manufactured girl band, if i was pop or urban or rock or what...and whatever it was they were looking for ...it wasn't me....so I started writing and composing and producing my own songs based on my life and experiences.Never done it before.....but I started one night in my bedroom trying to put down how I felt about things....British Chick is my first song from the album, its about the frustrations of making it in the music biz... and of winning in the end !!!Cheerio letz go ... Lucy (c)Today at 2:51pm
You should create your own MySpace Layouts like me by using nUCLEArcENTURy .COM's MySpace Profile Editor !
My Interests
Member Since: 8/29/2006
Band Website: soundsugar.net/lucylawrence
Band Members:
Sounds Like:
Type of Label: Indie
My Blog
Im playin @ Radio 1 Big Weekend Fringe Festival!
OMG!I just found out yesterday and I'm over the mooooooooooooooooon!!!!Radio 1 will choose the best two acts to perform at the main event with Madonna, Justin Timberlake, Usher, The Kooks, The Feeling... Posted by Lucy Lawrence on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 04:11:00 PST
Heres the link to listen to me Live on Radio Fri 4th April
Click on this link this Fri to listen to me on BBC Kent Unsigned Show 5:50pm online or on yr mobs for yr journey home from work....http://www.bbc.co.uk/kent/entertainment/unsigned/bbc
introducing/lates... Posted by Lucy Lawrence on Wed, 02 Apr 2008 09:06:00 PST
Lucy Lu "Artist Spotlight" Article
Lucy Lu "Artist Spotlight" Articlehttp://soundsugar.net/news_lucylawrence.aspxPowered by ShareThis
If you don't know about me yet then here I am and if you know some then here's a little more....... Posted by Lucy Lawrence on Wed, 02 Apr 2008 08:38:00 PST
British available to download NOW!!!!
Wooooo Hoooooo!Finally to all those who have been askin’ when "British Chick" is available to download......Wellll Im happy to say you now can from 2day onwards!!!!!U can either click on my widg... Posted by Lucy Lawrence on Fri, 14 Mar 2008 05:20:00 PST