Film cars gaming history, oh and food, good americanized Asian food. History, boats, I also like other things that boys like... you can guess.
Easton. Baby Vishnu, Harrison Ford, Sean Conery, Jesus, my twin Edward Norton, Brad Pitt (I need both their sigs to make my copy of fight club complete) oh and death 'THE ONE WHO TALKS LIKE THIS".
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if i could listen to any five bands for the rest of my life they would be; Fleetwood Mac,Brand New, Taking Back Sunday, Alkaline Trio, and Alexisonfire. i also like hip hop, some good old school cali rap, classical, some hard core, emo, ect. ohh and Nine inch Nails, Drop Kick Murphy,Flogging Molly and Bloc Party. "Cut your finger on the blade because its sharper than they told you, take a leap from out the window cause its way to far to go through the door." Classic rock also is addictive and Fleetwood Mac is like to greatest band ever."If i die in Rayleigh at least i will die free..."
wes anderson, riddly scott,just to name two. yes i like some bad action movies too like Stones Scorpion "crime is a disease and I'm the cure". Master and Commander, Gladiator, Lockstock, Fight Club(I am Edward Norton), Snatch. TWO WORDS STAR WARS, its is the single greatest thing ever.
Adult swim!!! oh and law and order, Scrubs is GOD, and I want to be in Firefly, or be Joss Wheden or Jered Leto/Jake Gylinhall but that goes under movies/celebrities I would posses if I died, along with Luke Wilson. and now CSI, cause you say tomato and i say cause of death.BSG is teh fcku stih!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
all of them, except romance novels. Patrick O'Brian is like crack for people who like anything about Sailing Ships or the early 19th century. And Chuck Palinuic but i still eat calamari.Top 5 (including series) Master and Commander, Lord of the Rings, Choke, Blackhawk Down, Jurassic Park. I love history books and maps.
My friends who i love more than any thing. And my dog because she stop the house form burning down one time. And of course my Brother who is the coolist kid I know, and one hell of a great artist, he's like a mini me with red hair, and I love Him. Alexis is like my Favorite person in the whole world, she makes me (unexplainable emotions here). And veronica because she hang out with me all the time and give me a social life and we want to go to Europe again. And Easton because he's like a little me, we're gonna fight Nazis some day while saving priceless historical objects like the Ark of the Covenant.