DANCING SEXING LAUGHING!!!!! making things, eating, sexing, sleeping, sexing, bowling, learning, reading, living, sexing, dancing, music listening, shopping, bouncing, swimming, climbing, floating, sexing, flying, singing, super-power attaining, playing, more eating and much more sexing!. But my favorite thing of all is to tutor the sweet, loving little angels named mary and choe!!!!!!!! I LOVE U!!
GIRLS TO HAVE SEX WITH JOEL (see my friends list number 5), Bubajhi, Vishnu, your mom, Kelly, jesus, Ms. May from Texas, cast of Busty Cops
today, bubba sparks... no x, thats bugs me. the deliverance or whatnot album is amazing...
the hunger. because david bowie is amazing and it makes me have lesbian sex dreams. and i heart vampires all hail megatron
queer as folk is suicide prevention
i can't wait for harry potter! people must come back to life...tom robbins is amazing..everyone should read jitterbug perfume..
the syph, da clap, me, lesley, kelly, puppy, the sausage, and most of all, MARY!!!! JOEL