Jessica profile picture


About Me

I really want to run...and by run I mean walk...and by walk I mean just stand...and really, by stand, I mean take a nap. Also, I like to laugh.

My Interests

Gluten-free cooking and/or eating, public transportation, riding the rails, things that are usually normal-sized but instead you can also get them tiny, exploring nooks & crannies, avoiding library late fees, traveling to far off places, creating the perfect snack and saying see ya to Massachusetts and a big howd'ya do to Asheville.

I'd like to meet:

People who like to eat spicy food, so spicy that you get hiccups or sweat.


Mostly I like Death Cab for Cutie, The Postal Service, The Shins, Badly Drawn Boy, My Morning Jacket, Go Set Go. Plus, I like the music they play in between news stories on NPR. I mean, who doesn't?


My favorite movie is Overboard with the irresistable Goldie Hawn and the insatiable Kurt Russell.


Anything that shows how things are manufactured, cooking shows, Full House reruns, My Super Sweet Sixteen, This American Life and Selected Shorts on NPR (not really tv), Project Runway. Grey's Anatomy!


Sweet Valley High, Running with Scissors, trashy romance novels, The Basic Eight, Series of Unfortunate Events, The Namesake, hmmm...I love reading all kinds of things, but not newspapers so much, and I can't tolerate anything with poor grammar. You may call it nerdy but I call it a keen eye for linguistic detail.


The person who first grew cilantro. Yum.

My Blog


I'm a pre-wife!
Posted by Jessica on Tue, 06 Feb 2007 11:42:00 PST

Help me think of what to do.

I live in Massachusetts. It's got a really long cold winter and the people are, let's face it: abrasive. I didn't know that 21 years in Ohio made me so soft. But it did. These people aren't really...
Posted by Jessica on Thu, 07 Dec 2006 03:23:00 PST


I got bored by Myspace and forgot about it.  My attention span for technology slips around like a raw egg.  Slidy.  I lost interest in recording my thoughts as well.  They're slidy...
Posted by Jessica on Fri, 21 Apr 2006 09:00:00 PST

March Madness

So since I totally love sports and all, I've got my picks all lined up.  I'd like to say that I've got Oral Roberts winning it all, but I don't.  Instead: GoooooooooooooooBUCKS! Wow, ho...
Posted by Jessica on Thu, 16 Mar 2006 02:15:00 PST

Oversized Cutlery

I visited the Worcester Art Museum this weekend and was delighted to learn that Paul Revere was a silversmith by trade.  Somehow I neglected to retain this fact despite years of inane American Hi...
Posted by Jessica on Mon, 06 Mar 2006 10:31:00 PST