SODAPOP profile picture


Follow that Dream Were Ever That Dream May Lead

About Me

Love to have fun and hang out, dance, play guitar and sing, meeting new people. But people with a head on their shoulders, having a hell of a good time. flames myspace layout Which Bettie Page Are You?
You're Nude Bettie. People see you as outgoing and maybe a bit wild. Your often hyper and always up for some crazy fun! How Crazy Are You? (With PICS!!) that's what you are..a normal human being!^_^Being normal is never bad,but why not be CRAZY! You're a person who likes to have fun,maybe not go crazy,but you know how to enjoy yourself.
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SODAPOP wants you to check out a photo on MySpace in the ZOMBIES!!!! album

SODAPOP wants you to check out a photo on MySpace

My Interests

Swinging, dancing, kareoke, hanging out, of course drinking is always good, smarts, not stupidity. Playing guitar and I hope to start a band up sometime, the rest ask.

I'd like to meet:

New interesting people with a head on their shoulders, and that can bring the sarcasm back, rockabillys and anyone interested in getting a band together, and country is always right on.


Classical, up to date.


Silent movies up to date.


Little any more, but when I do I am pretty open minded.


True life, horror, the rest ask.


All kinds just ask.