A whole lot of things, too many to name. But Music and writing are right up there.
The rider on the white horse, Apostle Paul, Kenneth Hagin, Joyce Meyer, Ted Dekker,. Smith Wigglesworth, John G Lake, Bobbie Houston...
Stellar kart, hillsong united, Leeland, Mae, the contact, Hawk nelson, switchfoot, falling up, reliant k, run kid run, edison glass, tree63, prime circle, the finkelsteins, Boys to Men, kids in the way nevertheless chris Chameleon, lifehouse, Nichole Nordeman, RSJ Nevertheless, Ayiesha Woods KJ52 lifehouse the parlotones, HHP, dANNY k (SOMETIMES), Niemand, William Warren, Liseli Ngoma, Katie Melua, Brooke Fraser, Marty Sampson, Miriam Webster...
Finding Forrester, Good will hunting, 3oo, apocalypto, pride and Prejudice, de ja vu, sweet home alabama, a walk to rememba esp. The soundtrack
heroes! heroes! heroes!
Frank peretti Francine Rivers esp. The mark of the lion series and redeeming love. I am a sucker for romance! Shaunti Feldhahn Ted Dekker Kenneth Hagin CS Lewis
Jesus Christ, the greatest superhero who lives today! And all those amazin people who stand up for the cause of Christ in the big and small things!