Devoted profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

I love Jesus Christ because i wouldn't be who i am without His saving grace, i wouldn't be who i am, without His laying down His life for me. I am me because Jesus saw, came and conquered, so it is only right that all i am, is all He is.

My Interests

A whole lot of things, too many to name. But Music and writing are right up there.

I'd like to meet:

The rider on the white horse, Apostle Paul, Kenneth Hagin, Joyce Meyer, Ted Dekker,. Smith Wigglesworth, John G Lake, Bobbie Houston...


Stellar kart, hillsong united, Leeland, Mae, the contact, Hawk nelson, switchfoot, falling up, reliant k, run kid run, edison glass, tree63, prime circle, the finkelsteins, Boys to Men, kids in the way nevertheless chris Chameleon, lifehouse, Nichole Nordeman, RSJ Nevertheless, Ayiesha Woods KJ52 lifehouse the parlotones, HHP, dANNY k (SOMETIMES), Niemand, William Warren, Liseli Ngoma, Katie Melua, Brooke Fraser, Marty Sampson, Miriam Webster...


Finding Forrester, Good will hunting, 3oo, apocalypto, pride and Prejudice, de ja vu, sweet home alabama, a walk to rememba esp. The soundtrack


heroes! heroes! heroes!


Frank peretti Francine Rivers esp. The mark of the lion series and redeeming love. I am a sucker for romance! Shaunti Feldhahn Ted Dekker Kenneth Hagin CS Lewis


Jesus Christ, the greatest superhero who lives today! And all those amazin people who stand up for the cause of Christ in the big and small things!

My Blog


So here it is. i have a question and perhaps only God cab answer it. Whi don't Christian bands ever venture further than Europe, Australasia and the America's? Why don't they ever come to South Africa...
Posted by Devoted on Sat, 31 Mar 2007 03:51:00 PST

summer in the sun

God is awesome and He is worthy of all praise. Yeah when the sun is shining and even when the rain is falling, i still love Him the same. Rock on! i just saw a video of JD eating this huge burger and ...
Posted by Devoted on Fri, 05 Jan 2007 07:09:00 PST

come all the lost and the found

So i was reading Joel Houston's newest blog and i must admit an admiration for the dude. Gosh he seems to have such love for the people of this world and it can only come from one place. So i'm here p...
Posted by Devoted on Wed, 20 Dec 2006 02:48:00 PST

God's promises

God's promises are yes and amen in Christ Jesus. When i think about all the characters in the bible and how we living today marvel about their endurance to then end, the Holy Spirit reminds me that we...
Posted by Devoted on Mon, 06 Nov 2006 02:59:00 PST


Posted by Devoted on Thu, 05 Oct 2006 05:03:00 PST