Tom Wehrle profile picture

Tom Wehrle

I wish that all of life was slow...

About Me

Booking/Contact Info:
For info on bringing Tom Wehrle to your venue contact John via email at: booking at strawproductions dot com or by phone at: 636.410.5469.
Stay in the loop on when I'm coming to town near you & sign up on my mailing list by emailing me at fanmail at tomwehrle dot com with your name, state, zip code and you'll be good to go. Whenever I play remotely close to you, I'll keep ya informed.
New Shirts only $5 - click here or on a pic to get one of the following...
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So you want to know a little about me, that's cool, I'm ok with that. I would find it even more cool if somehow right now, because you're reading this, I would be sent some sort of information about you that is equivalent to what you're ready about to read about me. Is that weird? Well if so, then I am, and I again have no problem with that either. Haha :)
Actually, I feel like updating this bio thing cause I've let it set for awhile and not updated it, so here goes...
My musical journey began back in the early 90's when after figuring out how to play a song by the name of For You by Michael W Smith. Most who read this probably will not remember how it once was popular and played on mainstream radio a decent amount of time. It starts off with this piano/keyboard that sounds really cool, thus why I wanted to learn it, and thankfully did. So I taught myself how to play problem though was that I really didn't understand what I was playing (which to this day, I don't "think" chords or theory when playing/writing) and my brother helped teach me some theory behind what I was actually doing. Then years later I gained interest in guitar, so I bought an acoustic guitar, it's the one I still use live, and taught myself how to play that as well. As far as writing goes, I like to write songs from either or, just depends on my mood. But my personal fav. will always be piano.
So, after being in a band that broke up, I had gotten a "real job" and was doing ok for myself when I decided to go in with a friend to start a recording studio, because we both loved music. Well as it turned out, that never really happened, but I ended up with enough studio gear to record my own stuff. So slowly I was teaching myself how to record (after watching it being done while recording with my band), and I started writing songs and recording them all by my lonesome self.
Then came 2001. My real job place went bankrupt and had informed me I was going to be let go, but I wouldn't know till it was going to happen. That was around July, and as it turned out, I was let go in October. At the time I was doing stuff with computers and all that great stuff, and because of 9/11 I knew it was going to be tough to find another job. But as it turned out, they didn't give me much notice, from what I remember, they told me one day when I was leaving that the next day was it. On the actual day my brother called me to tell me a place down in Nashville had called and asked for me to play at a coffee shop and wanted to know if I'd do it. At this point in time, I had never played any gigs on my own, but had recorded a few of my own songs, so I remember thinking to myself "one door is closing, and another is opening" - so I accepted.
You may be wondering why I went into all that detail about some silly story from back in 01 but, if that wouldn't have happened, I literally would not be writing this right now, nor would you be reading anything about me, or listening to music of mine. Make sense? I'm fairly confident that all those things led me to right where I am today. If 9/11 wouldn't have happened, I probably would have just gotten another job like the one I had. Granted, I hated doing pretty much the same thing day in and day out, and not sure if I could ever do that again. But alas, that event forced me into realizing that I should be doing what I love, not what I kind of liked...capeesh?
Back to business...after releasing two EP's in 2001 & 2002, I released my first LP by the title of Something You Can't Find in May of 2003. It brought about my first gigs at some colleges across the country. Even the American Music Awards caught note and named me one of the top 50 unsigned acts (yes, THE AMA's).
A little over 2 years later came the release of Room to Dream on Aug 31st of 2005, my 2nd studio album. More touring across the country forced me into buying a van which in turn led to over 20,000 miles being racked up on it in just 3 months. I have now played at over 100 colleges anywhere from Maine to California, all the way up to Oregon down to Florida, you get the idea. Not many independent artist can claim such a feat.
My latest cd When You Can't Wait for Tomorrow was released again in August, this time on the 21st of 2007. I'm beginning to think I must like August or something (to be cont. on that thought) of writing this (4.26.08) I'm already starting to work on my next project, so we'll see how that develops, but I'm currently looking forward to getting out there and promoting WYCWFT still as I think it's my best work to date.
That brings this to an end, if you'd like for some reason to get ahold me, feel free to write me on here, or email me at: tom at tomwehrle dot com - thanks for reading, and if you've liked anything you've heard from me, please try and support it by grabbing a cd off my site - it allows me to keep doing this and create new music :)
See ya on the road,
ps...every so often I get on AIM, if you see me on, feel free to write and say sn is: tomwehrle (I know, very creative)For Digital downloads you should be able to find me on:
iTunes , Napster , Walmart , Yahoo Launch , MSN Music, Zune , Rhapsody , BuyMusic, Emusic , AOL's MusicNet, MusicMatch and many more.

My Interests


Member Since: 9/29/2004
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Influences:Wayne Kirkpatrick
John Rzeznik
Michael W. Smith
Phill Collins
Stephen Jenkins
Sarah McLachlan
Jon Foreman
Glenn Ballard
Diane Warren

Sounds Like: Tom Wehrle
Record Label: Buy CD
Type of Label: None

My Blog

I Need Your Help - 06.12.08

Hey all, not sure if ya heard yet, but I'm trying to raise money for a 4th cd...I'm in need of about $3000 to do this, so I'm having a huge sale on my cds and shirts for just $5 at (USA ...
Posted by Tom Wehrle on Thu, 12 Jun 2008 07:16:00 PST

I Love How... - 06.01.08

...Weezer always does a remarkable job of showing how ridiculous pop culture can be, watch/listen to ...
Posted by Tom Wehrle on Sun, 01 Jun 2008 01:07:00 PST

Creating - 05.21.08

I love creating. That may sound silly and like a no-brainer, but I don't know how else to say it. Over the past few weeks I've been working on a total of 18 alone, over the course of 5...
Posted by Tom Wehrle on Thu, 22 May 2008 09:17:00 PST

Startled - 05.09.08

Have you heard about the food crisis parts of the world are having? Well, I just read this article about how much more the USA gives to World Food Bank (WFB) then any other country, it's pretty incred...
Posted by Tom Wehrle on Fri, 09 May 2008 12:49:00 PST

Songwriting 101 - 05.02.08

The other day I wrote a new song, and after it got stuck in my head for a few days, I find myself thinking..."did I really write that...did I possibly just take an idea from a popular song and say it ...
Posted by Tom Wehrle on Fri, 02 May 2008 11:11:00 PST

Breakdown - 04.27.08

I found this very funny, and it also reminded me of this song with the lyric "breakdown, as we learn to bite the hand, that tries to feed us..." - isn't it weird though, we do this all the t...
Posted by Tom Wehrle on Sun, 27 Apr 2008 02:37:00 PST

If Only I Was A Hooker - 03.14.08

So you've probably heard of that girl that was a prostitute/hooker for the Governor of NY...great stuff eh? Well, as it turns out she was an "aspiring artist". Whatever that means. For example, I k...
Posted by Tom Wehrle on Sat, 15 Mar 2008 05:23:00 PST

Oh Yes Wyoming - 03.13.08

So I just got to WY after a lovely 23 hour drive from St Louis, some extended stops made it take a little longer then it should have, but Jackson Hole is a very pretty and well worth it. Anyways, eve...
Posted by Tom Wehrle on Thu, 13 Mar 2008 11:24:00 PST

Thanks NTB - 03.08.08

So today I went into National Tire and Battery (I'm pretty sure that's what it stands for) to have my van get an alignment cause it was pulling pretty good to one side. And since I'm going on a trip ...
Posted by Tom Wehrle on Sat, 08 Mar 2008 01:43:00 PST

Its a New Dawn, a New Day & a New Vote - 01.09.08

Some have questioned my top 8 new addition Ron Paul. So here ya go, below are 6 videos from a interview he did that pretty much got me his vote, if I get to vote for him that is. Check them out thou...
Posted by Tom Wehrle on Wed, 09 Jan 2008 01:12:00 PST