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Progressive Heaven Radio Station.
Apart from music our hobbies are: hanging around, fishing, drinking, flying, chatting, mobbing, eating like horses, swimming - and much more, feel free to ask
Gerd was our gearslut and did all the mixes and mastering of our tracks
Mathew was our singer and gave us some shivers due to his great voice
Chris, our multi-instrumentalist played the electric guitars, bass and keys and wrote "Eclipse"
Lorenz our youngster played the drums
David Bellizzi, the Six-string bass player from Raleigh NC/US did the incredible bass tracks on "Dream On"
Leo, our fast and furious guitar fret racer who played the intense and romantic tracks on "Dream On"
And last but not least: Antares our electronic artist who will be presented with new tracks in the near future
Vincent is also part of it - he’s our comic drawer - creative artist. It is obvious that a good band needs a good comic drawer"
Mark alias "Hintermann" wrote "She came along.." and "Dream On" where he played all acoustic guitars and did some vocal tracks
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Jogi’s Rockfabrik.