Member Since: 8/27/2006
Band Members: "the force is everywhere, in the tree, in the rock, everywhere."-yoda
keyboards...etc. etc. etc.SEEPINGImagine their dreams can you see?
Sometimes i wonder, can you really see?
Come with me to where tree grow beneath the seas,
and love is at hand.
That old familiar place you've been before you just don't comprehend.
Love and wonder hiding suspiciously under, things you fear.
things you fear, things you fearMotions of oceans increase piece by piece,
peel back the waves and see the reef.Into the sky fly HI,
early dawn is nigh, I'll yawn if you sigh.
Pull my head from this dream, its all dead.
Or so it seems.
Like shimmerings seas sprinkled on the eyes, the sunlight in your eyes.
You're so innocent, or you seem so innocent.
Commence the acsent, only the great went, only the great wentMotions of oceans increase piece by piece,
peel back the waves and see the reef.A touch is not much if only sensation.
How grand, our hands, embraced in true connection.
From the fear.
In here the fear is no match for our grasp.
As we connect all feelings cease.
We become peace, we become peace, we become peace.ITS SEEPING IN.........IT'S ALLRIGHT
Did you ever feel like you can't go on, without someone by your side?
I know how you feel.
Is your life made up of a million moments and you've lost yourself,
secretly knowing, you've always been found?Well its allright.
And you know down deep in your soul now that it's allright.
And no matter what they tell you, you know in your heart that it's allright.
It's allright, baby it's allright, sugar it's allright.How many people did you walk by today, you don't even know their names?
How does it feel?
You live your life a million times and you can't even make up your mind.
I know how you feel.And it's allright.....rat fink
the stuff
the launchpad
Influences: Life, Death, and time. First record i owned was blondie, I think I was like six. I moved on to Michael Jackson and madonna. After that I was heavily into punk rock and hardcore for what seemed like forever. Next thing I know I'm following jam bands and opening my mind at the same time; a combination I HIGHLY recommend. I love YODA and Ben Kenobi. Trees are wonderful to connect with. And the darkest reaches are to me the most illuminating, showing the light for what it is.Mainly I'm influenced by the human condition and our spectrum of differing perspectives. What you say influences me whether i choose to ignore it or i choose to accept it. Either way, these are both my reaction, revealing an influence.
i love flowers.Oh yeah and the fact that 99% of the world around me appears to be sleeping. They make me want to softly sing and wake them up.
this is my favorite golf cart... Yep thats why!Golf is the greatest. Nature, grass!, and you can drive drunk and its completely safe and harmless!This is my favorite golf cart... can you guess why?
Sounds Like:Fauna girl...this is my studio... i call it the barn. I swear its like a whole nother universe in there sometimes... Is "nother" a word?
Type of Label: Indie