By lablonde83 at 2007-07-29 Contact Tables provided by ProfileGoodies.comContact Tables°
Myspace Layouts at / Animation
Myspace Layouts at / Animation
By lablonde83le son, voyager, faire la teuf, mes potaux, les nanimaux, le snowboard, delirer,le vin blanc, les dadas, bouger,rencontrer des gens, rire, le chocolat, decouvrir ...
bref se sortir les doigts du c** et prendre un max de bon temps !!!
By lablonde83 at 2007-07-29!! -"**°MA PINTADE°°**"-!!
By lablonde83 at 2007-07-09
By lablonde83 , shot with P5055 at 2007-08-05
By lablonde83 , shot with Canon PowerShot A80 at 2007-08-05
Scarface, Apocalypse Now, Full metal jacket,Bernie, American hisrory X, Braveheart, Il faut sauver le soldat Ryan, we were sans oublier mon Rabbi Jacob !!!
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myspace backgrounds - GENERATE YOUR OWN WORLDMAP NOW!
ma maman...
By lablonde83 , shot with E4300 at 2007-08-19
By lablonde83