Founder member of Heretik System ,
one of the oldest, and still active, French sound system ;
Omnipotent label creator of "Le Diable au Corps" ,
Label manager of 30 labels, he produced already more than 100 tracks
International DJ & Liver, famous figure of European raves and festivals,
he likes to call his music "hardfloor", of which he has his own definition ,
he uses all the tricks of hardcore music but exclusively dancefloor-oriented music,
his sounds are dynamic, fast, fat but clean sounding.
Nout aka The Mad Cow @ Zoo (SWI)
envoyé par kodypoldino
Grand Magic Tekno Circus @ Zenith fev 2007
envoyé par GMTC
Grand Magic Tekno Circus @ Olympia fev 2008
envoyé par GMTC
Nout Heretik Le diable Au Corps - Power
envoyé par kodypoldino
Heretik Reportage Piscine Molitor Tf1 on Fooooo