I will use my l337 ninja skillz to enter without detection! Now I will kill you all and steal your socks! Muhahahaha!!!
I'm interested in making friends. Close friends, who aren't camera-shy.
Klingon Karaoke, and of course the Misson: Impossible theme song.
Silence of the Lambs, Legend of Drunken Master, and Pirates of the Caribbean.
Lambchop, Naruto, One Piece, Pirates of Dark Water, Xaolin Showdown, Greg the Bunny, and Firefly.
Thief of Time, Treasure Island, Daredevil, and Fuzzy Knights.
Greg the Bunny, Ask a Ninja, Jack Sparrow, Miroku, Master Roshi, Jackie Chan, Tiny Plaid Ninjas, Jean Luc Picard and Chuck Norris (nails for breakfast! Yum!).