Music -is abig part of my life and I..m teaching myself to play the guitar, so in 2012 I..ll maybe able to play an easy song for you.Beauty -you can say it is one of my interests thats why I chose to work in that industry for 5 years or so and thats why all my friends are so beautiful insite and out.My kids -They are of course the best kids in the world and have make mine so much brigther. I love you my babies.Family -if you dont make it your interest it will never function very well. Realationship is a hard work but it is worth every effort that you..ll make.People -in general, thats why i..m learning to be a social worker. I can sit for hours watching people live their lives and just think why do people act in the way they do. I think it is a interesting subject.
Talented people because they have so much to give.Dear Mr Jesus
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I can listen to all sort of music.
Live is an awsome band. I like to pixies from my teens, the Doors will always have a place in my heart and so will Janis Joplin and Jimi Hendrix.All music that can touch my heart is welcome to it. I..m propably more a song person than a band person. I fall in love with the songs not the band, with few exeption.My favorite song of all times is "upptown girl" with Billy Joel. I was 4-6 years old when I heard it first and it have a special place in my heart."Perfect day" with Lou Reed is a special song to me and Jonni and we call it our song.
Another song that is special to us both is "You..ll never walk alone" that all Liverpool fans should know. It..s a favorite not just because it is a Liverpool song, also because it is a very good song that could also be about a relationship between man and a woman.James Morrison, Jack Johnson and musicians like them are great. Love singers with husky voices and a guitar.
fergie clumsy
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Pirates of the caribbean I like dance movies like Honey,they makes me wanna move. I,m a softy for song movies like Moulin Rouge, sound of music,..etc. They always makes you feel good. Titanic, english patient, book of love( since I was 12),fools rush in, pure luck, butterfly effect. I like movies that ends with a smile in your heart. Movies like Saw 1&2, shining (original version) I also like. I also like movies that you never know what is going to happend next, because I..m very good in seeing the plot in the beginning of the movie and it can ruin the movie for me when I..ll always know what is going to happend and who the murderer was and the nephew who was suposed to be dead but to me obviously wasn..t, and things like that.
Friends are classic Lost Prison break Gray..s anatomy Desperate housewifes Related Love monkey Cutting it Footballer..s wifes
My study books have the most of my attention now. Little princess, because I can relate to her. All health books like, you are what you eat with dr. Gillian. And all of Dr. Perricone..s books I have them all. The Secret is a interesting bookI was a big book nerd when I was younger but not so much anymore, that is a shame because reeding books are fun. I did go for all kind of books I had a big love story fase but luckily it..s over because they are all pretty much the same.The books I read now are my study books and children books.
Oprha -she has a heart of goldI have always liked greek mythology and they are ofcourse all presented as heroes so I got mention them. Actually I named my dog "Nala Afrodita" (Afrodita = Aphrodite)She was a cool chick.Cleopatra -she did good in a man..s world. She have to get credit for that. I was thinking to add her name to my daughters but it would of been too long; GabrÃela "Kleópatra" LÃf. So at the last moment we desited to skip it.All people that stands up for what they belive in and those who sacrifise them selfs to save others are heroes" border=0
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