I'd like to meet:
People I already know...their cool :)Well I obviously didn't make it clear enough before but PM me BEFORE adding me as a friend!!!
Well, I love listening to most of the works done my the Minestry of Sound. :) And, although I still hate Heavy-Metal, I now like listening to a little Rock. :) But my favourite music has to be Enya, there, I said it! :) I love classical music, and Enya is by far my favourite! :)
Well, although I love watching films, I rarely remember what they are about, lol. But don't worry, I remember all my favourites! There are heaps more than whats on this list, but hopefully you can guess the others from whats written here. :)
My Favourites!
Hot Fuzz
King Arthur
Lord of the Rings
Pirates of the Caribbean (1,2&3)
Elizibeth Town
Spirited Away
The Matrix (1,2&3)
The Postman
Howl's Moving Castle
The House Of Flying Daggers
The Pacifier
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Deagon
Watch out! This is were my scifi side comes in. :D
The only telivision I watch is whatever is on while eating dinner...until...Stargate...This has to be the only TV series that I actually enjoy watching, you don't want to talk over the TV while this is on, unless I have seen that episode before, then I wont mind. (^_^)
There are 200+ episodes and still counting, now with 2 seperate storylines, Stagate SG1 and Stargate Alantis. The only bad thing about Stargate, is the number of DVD's I have to buy to get the collection. I cant afford 55+ DVDs, too expensive!
My Favourite Book: Matthew Reilly - Ice Station
This is an excellant action packed book, It carried .. a previous book written by the same author. Its about the commander of an assult recon team in the Antartica, and his team. They investigate a discovery made by scientist below Wilks Ice Station. They are attacked by the French, and even, by their own team members! It is an intensive book that has you wondering, which members of your team can be trusted, and how will they get out of what seems to be the worst situation ever! That is, until a little girls shows shes better at cracking solving problems than all of them! :)
Another excellant book: Barbara Hambly - Dragonsbane
I never thought a book about a dragon could be so interesting! It is about John, the only man known to have killed a dragon, thus named the Dragonsbane. He is asked to rid a country of it's newest Dragon, although this dragon is about twice the size. His wife, Jenny, is a wizard women that aids him with magic, although her love for John has held her back from acheiving her true power. She is forced to pick between endless life of unlimited knowledge and power as a Dragon, or her love to John. :)
My hero doesn't have super powers, but is the most incedible person!
My hero doesn't wear a cape, but looks absolutely awesome!
My hero isn't famous, but is surrounded by friends!
My hero...is you!