"RebELaBeLLe" profile picture


About Me

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MooDy,, NaRsiS,, eAsy Goin',, weLL.. i ain'T DeScRiBe My SeLf AnyWay!!! so,, wOuLd u pLiZz?? but i know i'm a simple n complicated person.. haha!! cunfused?? HmMPpHh,, jUst dA Way i am.. 2 Be DiFFeRent.. 2 B whAt i SuPposEd 2 B.. this is dA wAy i am,, 2 B mE!!! Je Pense,, Donc jE Suis... C'eSt PourQuoi,, J'aime beaucoup ma beLLe viE...

Myspace Codes: MyNiceSpace.com

Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / Goddess of the night skies

just 4get everything n runaway.. spread my wings,, FLyaWay..i'm a complicated person,, So.. i ain't DescribE my SeLf eniwei.. WouLd u Pliz GuyS???but.. u ShouLd knOw thAt...NevER LoVeS a LovE thAt HuRt NevEr HuRt a LovE tHat LoVeS..."ReLation sHip iS n0t 0nLy ab0ut having sEx n Body Fucking,, iF u ReaLLy LovE hEr,, u caN d0 beTTer thAn thAt.. u'LL respect her,, meaning u'll have 2 accePt hEr as shE is.. u'LL never tRy 2 makE hEr dA pErson u waNt hEr 2 B.. u'LL havE 2 C & aCcePt hEr jUst dA wAy shE iS.."Je PEnSe Donc,, Je SuiS... C'est PourQuoi J'aimE BeaCoup Ma BeLLe ViE..Hi ALL!!! weLL.. i d0nt kn0w h0w 2 dEscRibE mY sELf cUs pE0pLe alWays cHanGinG eVeryTimE, N s0 d0 i! (^_^) buT hERe, i'll tRy t0 dEsCRibE mY SeLF fr0m mY siDe :- im Kinda giRL thAt LovE t0 LeaRn bout Hist0ry n CuLTuRe, n i RespeCtiNg mY CuLtuRe s0 mUcH, d0nt cAre iF pe0pLe call Me a ConsErvAtiVE pErs0n. - im a fREndLy Pers0n, tHat LovE t0 sHArE mY LifE wiTh PeoPLe. - i Love t0 siNg although i d0nt havE a beautiFuL VoicE. - i LoVe d0in' Sports. - i L0vE t0 hAvE a gUt c0nvErsati0N aNd maKe a gUt ArgUmEntAti0n wiTh a ReasonabLe eXpLicati0n. - i lovE t0 haVe a biG dReam n i'll alwAys tRy 2 fiNd a wAy 2 ReaCh it. - i WanNa haVe my OwN HouSe tHat i'll CaLL it "My h0mE sWit H0mE".but wELL,, actually im more kind of feminism,, thAt neVEr try 2 pLay wiTh l0vE oR s0mEthing,, i hatE being hUrt bY mEN n i'll never 4give s0me1 thAt eVer pLayEd mE or CheAtiNg mE.. iM n0t aFrAid of bEing aLonE & OnLy sTanD bY mE rathEr tHaN bEiNg HuRt bY mEn..i knoW its s0mEthiNg LikE i d0nt nid thEm tHat mUcH 2 FiLL my LiFe wiTh Love oF ReLatioN bEetWen Men n WomEn..i d0nt cArE whAt u gUys think oF mE.. or thE wAy i faCe mY LiFe tHat u C its stRangE 4 a giRL likE me 2 sAy sUcH w0rds but i Just d0nt caRe,, liKe i ReaLLy CarE.. thAt u gUyS nEver try 2 gEt inVoLvEd witH mE bUt u JudgE mE 0nLy wiTh thE wAy U Lo0kin' aT mE.. iTs kinDa s0mEthing dePResiNg whEn i try 2 bE whAt u Guys wAnt mE 2 Be.. meanwhiLe eVery PerSoN hAvE tHE DiFFerenT SingLe PerCepTi0n of mE.. eVery stePs i mAkE likE disturbiNg U 0R Like u gEt iLs wiTh thAt..d0nt U neVer unDerstAnd thAt this is mY LiFe,, my SouL,, My BoDy,, mY miNd.. tHat PeoPLe AinT SuE mE h0w t0 ruLe mY sELf.. im jUst a SimpLe pErs0n,, somEthing compLicated sometimes.. in manY waYs u aint describe me,, bLiv mE, u d0nt nid 2.. 0r u'll gEt c0nfUsEd by mY bEaUtifUL MinD... aNd FiNaLy,, This iS mE,, ReBeLaBeLLe,, a ReBeL tHaT sTay iN dA LinE... a GiRL thAt stiLL sEarChinG hEr 0wN wAy 2 B a WomAn... Myspace Contact Tables
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

SyApA??? biEn SuR,, You!!! eitss... here R my bLack List :1. cowo yg nembak cw lwt tlp n mutusin lwt SMS.2. l'homme qui beaucoup boire du vin..3. stereotypes guys n Psycopat!!! n hell ya,, far away from me plis!!!hey guys.. u r really a BIG NO NO NO 4 mE!!! u got it???

My Blog

who i supposed 2 bE?

i ever felt lonely... i've ever broken.. n so much that feelin me down.. life in this Land.. too much histories,, CuLtures n BelieVe..   tHey said i was sTrangE.. not the way i supposed 2 bE.. ev...
Posted by on Fri, 22 Feb 2008 06:25:00 GMT


dem.. dem.. dem..akhir tahun yang mNyebALkan SeKaLi,, ouch..EXAm.. eXAm.. exAm...goin' cRazy hEre..thought i nid somE wiLd pARty hErE!!!huhuhuhu....BEWARE :  IM READY,, GUYS!!!hey yA,, whEre's mY...
Posted by on Tue, 06 Nov 2007 21:54:00 GMT


somEtimeS i wondEr why people talks 'bout mE..what i drESs,, my attituDe,, n dA wAy i suPp0sed 2 B..buT heLL ya,, thEy WantEd mE 2 B LikE tHeM..fAshi0nabLe.. oh.. do u tHink haVe dA sAme Fashi0n aRt i...
Posted by on Fri, 02 Nov 2007 20:40:00 GMT

i Love Indononesia!!!

i LovE my CountRy So,, evEn i evEr hatE n RejEcteD it.. bUt tHerE wAs yEstErdAy... n im not talking bout in D pAst n0 m0re.. i Love my muLti CuLtuReS,, my ArtS,, D tRadiTionAl FoodS,, HisToRiEs,, LegE...
Posted by on Thu, 20 Sep 2007 06:19:00 GMT

LovE.. LovE... LovE...

aLL about LovE... Cinta... mnYakiti,, atau di Sakiti... evEn wE kn0w n hurT dEep inSidE,, CintA.. adalah cintA...
Posted by on Tue, 18 Sep 2007 05:43:00 GMT

just say...

je pense...donc,,je suis...c'est pourquoi j'aime beacoup ma belle Vie...LovE may gonE..But My LifE MusT Goin oN...
Posted by on Tue, 04 Sep 2007 05:58:00 GMT