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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

Addictions Our world revolves around our addictions. We work towards supporting that addiction, no matter what that addiction is, whether it is to drugs, sex, food, video games, relationships, feelings. Addictions are something we don’t need, they holds us back, keep us from evolving. We abuse those things we are addicted to, we take them for granted. It is like abusive relationships, where two people stay together because they are addicted to each other, because they think they can’t be without each other. When you truly love something you have to stop abusing it and set it free, if it loves you it will come back. Addictions are patterns that you created, that keep on repeating themselves, not allowing you to change, to move forward and evolve. And history continues to repeat itself. Consumerism is based to serve our addition. They give us more for less so we always want more, never getting enough, while filling the wallets of the wicked into which we place out future.History History is incredibly important to learn. It is purpose is to act as a learning guide, to not repeat it’s mistakes. But yet we keep on repeating those mistakes. History wants us to take a very good look at the negative stuff and let it go, but learn from it. It wants us to take the good and focus on it. Realize how great our abilities are and just imagine how much better we can do. There needs to be a better way to teach history at school. They keep on teaching us the negative material and rarely ever talk about positive human achievements. Unfortunately there is more bad to think about then good, but that does not mean that our focus can not be redirected. Negative thinking. When we think negative things about our history, we are bound to repeat it’s past. It is not entirely our faults that we think negatively. Negative thinking is contagious and addictive. They make whole industries to support it. We are bombarded with negative information, fear and consumerism. Most of the time we do not think for ourselves, we let the TV do it for us. To think for yourself is to listen to your heart, questioning everything, being aware of your mind and how powerful it is. Two minds are more powerful then one. When a large body of people are thinking the same thoughts, they manifest themselves to be true. When a large number of people and believe me it is large, think that the world is coming to an end, they think themselves towards a destructive path, like the one I am sure you can all feel we are moving towards. We tend to think negative thoughts because others around us do it, it happens when we are in school. When Our teacher asked us to do streams of consciousness exercisers at school, you can see how depressed we all are. Perhaps they do not Realize it, but I know that it affects me, negatively of course.Depression Depression is the cause of many of our problems. We are depressed and for many reasons. First of all we are oppressed, to such a subtle extent, that it manifests itself into a societal depression. We are depressed because we know something is wrong, because things just don’t feel right. When we are depressed we are lazy and addicted to being lazy and feeling sorry for ourselves. We all know how good it feels to feel bad. Feeling good sometimes takes real effort on the individual’s part. Another reason that people are depressed is because they are sensitive by nature. They have the power to feel and often they are stuck with feeling unhappy because that is the kind of world we live in. By nature some people have low serotonin levels, I know because I am one of them and I am also lazy.Change What we really need is change. We need constant change. Life is about constantly changing, it is about evolving, moving forward, not staying in the same place. When we rest we rust. Most people don’t want to change because they are too lazy, because they are too tired from feeling depressed. Change is the most uncomfortable thing known to human kind. It is like having to get out of bed every morning. Why wouldn’t we want to stay in bed, when it is so comfortable while the real world is cold and so uncomfortable. Change is up to each individual. To happen it takes a collective of people who are on the same page. Change is vital to our survival. We have to change the way we used to live and think. No body can make you do it but you. When looking back in history we can see that if change is forced on the people they will fight back and not cooperate. It is up to you to change. Others have no right to tell you what you should do. Change can not be enforced but it can be influenced.Positive thinking Positive thinking truly is the best medicine, but obviously not the one we are accustomed to. Positive thinking takes effort because you have to think harder of good things. To think positively you have to change your old ways of thinking. Positive thinking is simply believing in something to be real, imagining it. It is the kind of thinking that gets stuff done. Positive thinking can also be contagious, but again it takes group effort. You can not just have one person being positive all the time, because eventually they will be drained if every one else feels down. You do have the power over your thoughts, we all have the ability to think this way, we have that choice. We just need to redirect our focus. If you don’t do it for the sake of others, please do it for the sake of yourself. It is the best thing you can do for yourself and others. Positive thinking involves thinking of others and realizing that we are together in this one. You cannot become addicted to positive thinking either, because you will begin to abuse it and it will loose it’s essence. Just look how people abused the God idea, how they took it for granted and used it for evil. The health of the human psyche requires a healthy balance of human emotions.Body Consciousness is individual, but it belongs to a bigger body, the body that is us. Everything an individual does will somehow affect the body. When one part of the body is down, the rest of the body will be affected. You have to think of other people and how they are related to you. You have to love, not just other people, but your self as well. Usually love has to start somewhere. The best way to truly love someone and care for them is to first truly love and care for yourself. The way you treat your self you will often treat other people. I can’t speak for others but I can speak for myself. When I did not love myself, people did not love me either. When I was trying to be something I was not I was not being true to myself, I abused myself and became abused by other people. When I used to think I was ugly, people though that of me. When I decided to stop listening to other people and learned to listen to my heart, I realized just how beautiful I am and so did they. Think of the body like water. This earth is made up largely of it and so are we. Water is a reelection of us. When water becomes contaminated it spreads. Just think of how polluted our waters is and compare that to your thoughts. We are what we put into our bodies. Think about the water you drink. What we do to our planet we do to our bodies.Reality. Reality is as we think of it. Our focus needs to be redirected from the unreal world inside the television, to the real one that we live in. Believe me there is no better show out there then reality, the one we live in and I do not mean reality television. We are too distracted from the real world with too much media, that tells us what we want and what we think. Reality and media should work together, but as we can see they work against each other. The media acts as a distraction from the real world, you know the one that is slowly dying with us slowly dying in it. The media is a powerful tool at it can be used for good. You have to learn to take the best out of it, filter out the important information, leave the negative information, do not dwell on it. Those who control the media, control our reality. The reality is that we are oppressed. We are trapped in some very destructive patterns. We are living in a caved society.Knowledge Knowledge is a privilege that we all have. It is a tool we all have an access to. Knowledge was once hidden from us and took a really long time to take back. When we don’t know we are afraid and we are afraid of what we don’t know. But you know what you have the freedom to learn. We know that in some ways we are oppressed, but in others we are free, like when it come to making choices. Most of us avoid choices because there are too many too deal with, or sometimes you don’t know what your choices are and it is up to you to find out. Knowledge is our power.Dreams Dreams are very important. If you are not living your dreams, you are missing the point of life. It is not that most of you don’t realize your dreams, its that you do not believe in them, you do not believe in yourselves. The point of life is to live your dreams. You have your desires because the universe designed you that way. No matter how unimportant you might think you are, each and every one of you is incredibly special. The universe is willing to help you, if you choose to follow your dreams, so you won’t have to do it alone. The universe does not want you to feel alone, but that you are a part of it. If you learn to listen, the universe will speak to you. We have all dreamt of things that are better then this world, it is up to us to make that dream real. You are truly awake when you realize you are dreaming, and that you are in control. Knowledge and love are the best tools we have. You have to believe your dreams, tell your dreams to other people and ask them to believe it too.

My Interests

I like pretty boys I can bitch around. I love magic, knowledge and wisdom. I write music and literature. I love long hair on men and think Androgeny is sooo sexy. I love to talk, I have so much to say. I am a very good conversationalist, although a much better talker than listener. When there is no one around to listen I'll have conversations with myself. Conversation is my main source of communicating with a person and getting to know more about them. I love music it’s a big part of my life. I play the violin and piano, but I am working on expanding my musical abilities. I like to stay fit by running and riding my bike. I love to read, and write (Poetry especially). I love to go on adventures not just the physical ones but the mental ones as well. I like to bring other people along with me on my mental adventures. I get my kicks out of tripping people out. I love thinking, to just think, where ever I ago and about what ever I see. My mind is the funniest ride I have ever been on. I love art and try to do it as much as possible. I enjoy movies, live theatre, stand up comedy, concerts and any kind of live Music. Love mosh pits and crowd surfing . I love the outdoors. I go to church whenever I get the chance to, it helps me cleanse my soul of the wicked deeds I might have committed the previous week. I always look to meet new people where ever I go. In the future I want to work with Musicians, like doing something in the music industry, everything from managing to producing and maybe even making my own music. Small steps at a time. I love to just live, every day is a new adventure. Politically I am a centrist, if anyone cares, I don't, nor do I like politics, philosophy is more my thing. I love languages. Besides English I speak and read/ write in Ukrainian and Russian. I understand, but can't speak Polish. Currently learning to be fluent in French. I love the British and the French, especially the French Canadians. What else can I say people really interest me. Thats why I am on this web site. So I can spy on all of you.test

I'd like to meet:

Jesus and the whole world, that includes you. Lots and lots of musicians, artists, whoever else then crossdressers.


All kinds of Metal, alternative, industrial, new age, techno, house, trance, retro, Love movie soundracks. Some favourites and some stuff I actualy own, in no particular order: Tool, Perfect Circle, Leonard Cohen, Lorena McKennit, Muse, Radio Head, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Seal, Sarah McLachlen, Tea Party, Mars Volta, Kasabian, Franz Ferdinand, The stills, Dog Fashion Disco, Queens of the Stone age, The Dears, Placebo, Moist, Delirium (compilations), Portice head, Sneaker Pimps, Marilyn Manson, Tub Ring, Faith No More, Ramstein, Modest Mouse, Mogwai, Interpole, God speed you black emperor,Orgy, Death from above, Buck 65, Enya, U2, Cure, Duran Duran, Depech Mode, Mushroom Head, Kean, System of a Down, Matt Good, Braintoy, Moby, Eyes on fire, Garbage, NIN, Nirvana, Coldplay, Bethoven, Gargabe, Madonna(Ray of Light only), Pink Floyd, Cranberries, Savage Gardens and many variouse DJs. Need to buy more Metal.


Anything with Keanu Reeves in it. Mind warping movies like my favorite Donnie Darko and Run Lola Run. Love and hate horror. Foreign Films, French Cinema. Have a large to see movies list...


I am a soap opera and cartoon junkie. One day hope to be on a reality show so I can make a fool of myself as well as have a chance to speak out about how stupid reality TV is. Love Sci-Fi and mystery shows.


Recent Favourites: Elementary Particles by Micheal Ouellebeq, Riot by Shashi Tharoor, Invisible Monsters by Chuck Palahniuk, Utopia by Thomas Moore. Genres like, what I like to call social science fiction such as Brave New World, 1984, Fahrenheit 451, the Handmaids Tale, which are social satires and predicitons of how humanity can go wrong. Love philosophy and psycology/sociology literature. Purpose driven life, religiouse and spiritual propaganda.


Jesus, Justin McConnell, Spongebob, Claire (the first teacher to teach Lidia phylosophy), Jason & Janelle Voth, Weird Al, Beetlejuice, who ever is a a rebel and a freak and most important of all Lidia.

My Blog

child to the world

I felt His hand upon my shoulder as I paused to take in a breath. He captured my spirit and made me see the beauty that lies all around. A sacred moment that will lodge in my heart forever, a...
Posted by Lidia on Thu, 05 Apr 2007 06:42:00 PST


Technology our creation, our legacy. Technology is always by our side. Technology can and is helping us, it has always helped us, look how far we have come with it. Technology is man's best fri...
Posted by Lidia on Mon, 02 Apr 2007 12:49:00 PST

Streams of consciousness flow into an ocean.

Streams of consciousness flow into one body of water.The consciousness flows like a stream, into rivers into lakes.Lakes flow into seas, seas flow into oceans.The consciousness is like water, it is on...
Posted by Lidia on Thu, 22 Mar 2007 07:22:00 PST


You seen me naked,Without make upYou seen me sleepYou seen me wake upYou saw me lowYou saw me highYou saw me fallYou saw me flyYou witnessed my joyYou witnessed my sadnessYou witnessed my prideYou wit...
Posted by Lidia on Fri, 08 Dec 2006 08:42:00 PST


I want to put my life in your hands,I want to follow your plans.Please help me to understand,where it is that I should stand.I want to hear your voice,when I  make the right choice.Your name I wa...
Posted by Lidia on Sun, 19 Nov 2006 06:15:00 PST

My first time there

An Expose assignment i had to do for school, on a seen I had never been to before. Enjoy, its juicy. BEHIND THE STEEL DOOR OF REMINGTONS MEN OF STEEL STRIP CLUB Wow! Bouncing boners is what y...
Posted by Lidia on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Androgeny is beautiful

(From Variouse sources) Does anyone remember a time in America when men were men, women were women, and the children could tell the difference? In case you haven't noticed, the entertainment indus...
Posted by Lidia on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

random rambling

I appreciate those who entirely read what other people write in thier profiles, rather than just glance at what they look like. Humans are shallow creatures, we all do it, I am too guilty of that. A l...
Posted by Lidia on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


telling guys your problems only gets them more involved in your life which creates emotional attachments.
Posted by Lidia on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


I feel used, I want revenge, but I am better than that.
Posted by Lidia on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST