Alex profile picture


Hostile Exhibitionist Vampire...

About Me

IF YOU WANT TO BE MY FRIEND: simply asking is NOT enough - I want something from you...Start with telling me WHY. Why YOU, why ME, then give me something to feed from, tell me a story, tell me a secret, do something...I DEMAND IT!
You will either adore or loathe me - I am happy with either response - anything other than stagnant mental sloth and apathy - a lacklustre, mediocre life appalls me...Any breath could be your last - LIVE!
If I annoy or alienate you - good, just don't waste my time, unless you want to insult me in an amusing manner! Ditto if I met you before 2005 - if you mattered enough, then you would be in my life now - we had fun - maybe - but you are the past - stay there...The SOLE exception to this is Irena.
I have an inordinately high opinion of myself, and - to be honest - loathe and despise most of the bleating herd that dare to give themselves airs and graces above the teeming pond-life breeding under the toilet rim, who, on the whole, do a great deal more with their microscopic lives than most of us 'higher' primates...
I say 'most'...individuals CAN be extraordinary, magic, glorious, divine...and THAT'S why I have a myspace page see if I can find any...
Undoubtably, such arrogance only reveals that I have terrible character flaws that I am desperate to hide...probably!
And about 'IF YOU WANT TO BE MY FRIEND' - I MEAN IT...Don't prove yourself to be a fuckwit by ignoring what I've written ,demonstrating that you haven't read this at all...don't be a button-clicky friend-addict going for the numbers without making an effort...BORING, BORING, BORING.
Yes, it's only myspace, but do you really continue this tedious complacency from the rest of your life into the fantasy world of the internet where no-one can prove you wrong...! Make an effort , dammit!
"When the notes of life ring false, they can be corrected by referring to the tuning fork of death" W.Churchill.
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My Interests

Avoiding people who write LONG lists with no paragraphs...or have such a bright, busy background on their page it could trigger a migraine - (edit it opaque, dammit)
Living my life for Art.
Memorising poetry for my own pleasure, Art, Sex & Violence, Literature, Poetry & Corsets, Blood & Passion...the Heian Period of Japanese culture, History, the Elizabethian Era & World Domination under MY EVIL EMPIRE HAHAHHAHAHHA!
'Everywhere the ceremony of innocence is drowned.The best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity...' W.B Yeats

I'd like to meet:

I like to walk through each day with a 'Time Machine' filter on the world - i.e everyone can be an amusing, interesting, picturesque personality if they're wearing 17th century clothing.
Not exactly a fantasy world, rather an efficient and fun method of NOT randomly encasing idiots in concrete... I don't need the reflected validation of the physical presence of the individuals who have moved or inspired most of em are dead...
...having said that, I might enjoy meeting Elizabeth Bathory and complimenting her on her taste and technique...but she's dead! See?!
Winston Churchill has always inspired me. He went from shit to greatness several times in his life - a very talented artist & pragmatist who navigated chronic depression. He moves me...and he's DEAD too!
Maybe there's a theme here...
'About suffering, they were never wrong, the Old Masters. How well they understood the human condition...'


Mine. I'm the Lead Guitarist for MT-TV, a nine woman band who are seriously addictive.You want to know more then go to:


THE 20th C Art form...from obscure European underground shorts like 'Aftermath', to satirical Sci-Fi 'Starship Troopers...from the ORIGINAL DAMMIT 'The Wicker Man' to 'Brick', 'Hard Candy, 'Tombstone', 'Dogville', 'Dune' and 'Spirited Away'...I love films.


DON'T get me started on this crap...except for DEADWOOD which is total Shakespeare and the best thing ever, ever, ever.
House. Nip/Tuck,Dexter,Six Feet Under before it turned to shite.And those programs where animals turn on humans which make me laugh like a drain...
I.Do.Not.Watch.Reality-TV... I.Have.A.Life...


I don't trust anyone who doesn't read. This is my drug of choice... just to start with:
The Memoir's of Hadrian - by Margaret Youssanor
The Pillow Book - by Sei Shonagon
The Boudicca Series - by Manda Scott
Whores in History - by Nikki Roberts
The Northern Lights Series - by Philip Pullman
Sexuality in Art - by Edward Lucie Smith
Sex Wars - by Marge Peircy
I am deeply grateful to authors for enhancing my life so.


Edna St Vincent Millay, Yeats, W.H Auden, The Pre-Raphelites & the Art Nouveau Movt,the numerous Women who fought and died for my rights,Victoria Woodhull - the first woman to run for President, and always Winston Churchill...
'Those who in their lives fought for life, and wore at their hearts the fire's centre. Born of the sun, they travelled a short while toward the sun, And left the vivid air signed with their honour'. Stephen Spender.

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My Blog

Death: Romance & Reality...

I've been thinking about death and gothic romanticism. It's history and allure. Being mainly a white, middle-class pre-occupation , I wondered about the correlation between it and a lack of experience...
Posted by Alex on Wed, 25 Oct 2006 12:10:00 PST

On the nature of Pain...

I've been pondering on the purpose and function of pain. Not physical pain, (perhaps more on that later) but mental. C.S Lewis, - a man of extraordinary intellect and faith, faith I do not share - wro...
Posted by Alex on Mon, 16 Oct 2006 09:13:00 PST