Im into anything of everthing....I'm always down for gaining knowledge about all aspects of life...P.E.A.C.E.
Positive Energy Activates Constant Elevation...obucket"
I'd like to meet:
Being that I have an Energetic and a 1 of a kind personality i would like to meet anybody as long as they are down to earth...understanding and intellectual...not somebody who is cockey...arrogant who passes judgment on someone...Remember those who judge will be judged the same way in the Kingdom Of Heaven...As Far as Women Are Concerned Throughout My physical Days On This PlanEt I I'vE LearNed That 97% of Females are Snakes...They AnalYze EaCh WeaK DeGree THen StRikE EaCh PoInt WitH VeNoM...ThEn ThEy WatCh YoU RoT In YoUr OwN DeSpAiR...The OtHer 3% ArE UnDeRStAnDing Nuff Said...100% Of All FemAles ArE Queens, It's Just UnfoRtunAte That 97% ArE In A MenTaL DeAtH...
Contact Tables
I'm really not into movies...It has to bee extremely realistic and action packed for me to sit through it...Jimmy Two Times..."I'm Going To Get The Papers Get The Papers" Classic...LoL!!!
The only channels i watch on T.V. is....Discovery...Science...History...National Geographic And The The Weather Channel...Why The Weather Channel You Ask...I Like Studying Science And Meteorology...Someday Through Hard Work And Motivation I Hope To Become A Storm Chaser So I Can Travel All Over Gods Beautiful Land...
The good Book...The BiBle...
A DaY To GOD Is A ThousAnd YeArs
MeN WaLk ArOunD WiTh A ThOusAnd FeArs...
ThE TruEsT JoY Of LovE BrIng A ThOusAnD TeArS...
In ThE WorLd Of DeSiRe TheRe's A ThoUsAnD SnArEs!!!
I'm my own hero for the fact that I've made it this far in life through my trials and tribulations and I still continue to Live a Righteous and positive lifestyle...Thats what makes me Proud...REMEMBER THE SOUL IS WILLING BUT THE FLESH IS WEAK...