About me
Name: Nicki
Age: 23
Stats: 7*6*05 <3 Ya <3
Likes: Me being italian,pretty,funny *i laugh at all my own jokes*...parrot bay passion fruit, my pittbull Diego, iced mocha coffee, Coach, lipgloss, Atlantic city (I need gamblers anonomyous), wawa watermelon twizzlers, sephora, having eyelashes that look fake, watching boxing with my baby <3 the color black-*u can hate it all u want..i dont care*, the wireeee, *GIANTS* baby!! <3...and of course my love...Ya...he puts up with me and alwaysss treats me like a princess no matter wat all the m'fers do to bring us downn. <3
Dislikes: Skanky people,yello teeth,metroguys & fugly girls.
Im a Pretty Princess & your not.