include, garlic pizza, films, beer, beaches, music, comedy, poetry, sex, freedom and gin my chillow.
jessica stevenson. someone with a glass eye. more people who wear cardigans. men with false beards and women in kitten heels and floral print dresses. the queen. a weather man. newborn babies. nigel planner. musicians. artists. painters. and decorators. senior citizens. bill bailey. the panda from Hallo Panda. jessica rabbit.
belle & sebastian, the shins, sufjan stevens, camera obscura, herman dune, the bees, fanfarlo, jeffery lewis, radiohead, badly drawn boy, elliot smith, death cab for cutie, modest mouse, nora jones, flight of the conchords, cars in walls, sparklehorse, andrew bird, fred astaire, animal collective, iron and wine, kings of convenience, cat power, clap your hands say yeah!, leonard cohen, feist, damien rice, bloc party, wolf parade, chris garneau, architecture in helsinki, my sad captains, guillemots, boy least likely too, emily haines and the soft skeleton, nina simone, ella fitzgerald, billie holliday, the decemberists, ray charles, the whitest boy alive,
adam and paul, amelie, the science of sleep, dead mans shoes, the weather man, broken flowers, shaun of the dead, in america, garden state, little miss sunshine, shark v's eagle, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, lord of war, the burbs, life is beautiful, the other side of the bed, angel A, dumb and dumber, napoleon dynamite, a room for romeo brass, i heart huckabees, hackers(!), goodbye lenin, house of fools, lost in translation, withnail & i, late night shopping, i like the genre that is tim burton though sometimes it's a little hard to distinguish between one or the other, i also like films where fred astaire dances
erm, a bit. futurerama, the young ones, grizzly tales, the pink panther, bottom, black books, league of gentlemen, blackpool, spaced, look around you, womens institute, mighty boosh, the lakes, flight of the conchords. i also love ideal world, especially at christmas and the decoupage hour.
a clockwork orange (a. burgess), the story of 0 (p.reage), hooligan trees (a. burke) spanish fly (n. rollinson), the butchers hands (c. smith), anything by (r.dahl), the dice man (l. rhinehorn), tyke tyler (forget the author,)the curious incident of the dog in the night time (m. haddon), the bride stripped bare (anon), poems 1956-1968 (l.cohen),2000- 2004 (a. mitchell), the sneetches (d. Suess), angela ashes (f. mccourt), clarice bean thats me (l. child) in doctor no's garden (h. Shukman), Aerial (s.plath), i know why the caged bird sings (m. angelou), barcelona plates (a.sayle), the murphy (s.milligan), holiday on death row (r.mcgough), a series of unfortunate events (1-4, i haven't read the rest yet) (l. snickett), love that dog (s. creech), room on the broom (j. donaldson),last days of the dog men (b. watson),