"playing on the golden sand, looking at the ocean now i understand."
well, right now i live and work in honolulu, hawaii, which is something i just 'stumbled upon.' i never planned on being here. for the people that made the 'accident' happen: thank you for playing your part in the grand scheme of things.
I am just a part of the "cosmos" trying to play my role. hoping to be 'the sculpter who never adds clay, but only takes away until the true form is revealed.'
thankful. grateful. lucky, no blessed to have lots of great people in my life. and im very fortunate that i continue to meet more good people. i have the best friends a guy can ask for and a dysfuntional family that loves me very... functionally?????
my personality affords me to be not so good at many things and not very knowledgeable in many areas of anybodys interest. ..just as the moon has no light of its own, but can only reflect that of the sun- well, i am the moon. so blame this shine on my peeps. it really isnt my fault.