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About Me

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This podcast is all about Rocky Horror. We discuss various things about the wonderful cult classic, as well as audience participation, cast happenings, and everything else!
Please fill out our listener survey!
It will only take five minutes or so and would help us get to know you. You'll be rewarded in all kinds of self-esteem, beauty and class. Your eyes will be brighter, your hair shinier, your teeth whiter, your breath fresher, you'll whistle a happy tune, you'll have that certain something...oh, probably not. But we'll love you anyway!
Our Friends List Policy: No offense to bands, filmmakers or webcam girls/boys, but we probably will deny your friends list requests unless you are personal friends of ours or have anything to do with Rocky Horror. This podcast doesn't play any music.
Also, if you request we add you, we are going to investigate to make sure you are legitimate. If you have your journal set to private, that's a problem, and we'll write you to make sure you aren't a spammer. If you won't let us write you unless we are on your friendslist, that's pretty good protection for you but you are going to be denied. Sorry--you'll have to message us when you request our adding you in order to get through. If after all that you end up sending spam comments, we're going to block you.
However, since we are a podcast we support the podosphere and add fellow podcasters, so I suppose if you are a podcasting webcam girl/boy, filmmaker or band with a podcast and you want in through that route, it's okay. We are not in a contest to build up our friends list but we will always add any shadowcast that asks and have soft spots in our hearts for Rocky fans, who are always welcome.
Our sister podcast The Coffee and Tea Show has no such friends list restrictions and you are welcome to go to that MySpace page to request friendship.

My Interests

Rocky Horror, duh!

I'd like to meet:

A double cheeseburger....OH! you said meet, not MEAT

My Blog

Twitter us!

Sean and Laura are now on Twitter. You should be too! Twitter is a nano-blog, sort of a cross between a chatroom and LiveJournal. You leave your entries in a little box that says "What are you doing n...
Posted by Rocky on Wed, 25 Apr 2007 10:53:00 PST

First Rap entry for Creatures of the Abyss

Here is the first Rockypod rap entry to win the fabulous movie Creatures of the Abyss. It's by our cast leader emeritus Laurie. Think you can beat her? Call up (206) 888-4991 and try it, foo!We'll put...
Posted by Rocky on Tue, 23 Jan 2007 10:12:00 PST

New VOICEMAIL: (206) 888-4991

Damn! Damn! Damn! I got an email from someone who said they had called the old voicemail number and it was gone. I checked, and yep. We lost it. Apparently K7 closes down numbers after a period of dis...
Posted by Rocky on Mon, 22 Jan 2007 08:20:00 PST

Show Notes artwork now somewhat original!!!

I think, since it's a new year and also since it takes so long to render a show anyway, that from now on any art on the podcast page will be somewhat original and very very silly. Hope everyone likes ...
Posted by Rocky on Fri, 05 Jan 2007 10:51:00 PST


We must have more Monchichis! We must. It's a matter of life and death.
Posted by Rocky on Sat, 28 Oct 2006 08:08:00 PST

New Episode up!

We've currently posted our second episode of Rocky Horror Pod Show! We're back from Dragon*con and ready to feature YOUR cast on the show.
Posted by Rocky on Tue, 05 Sep 2006 10:01:00 PST