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I am a good man..positive, loyal and optimistic..my life is basically about sports...i run for UWW and i'm a talented tennis player( i now play for the club team)..always getting better..i think that i could possibly be the strongest long distance runner in college or in top 1%..i bench about 240..not that talented of a runner but i compete hard, improve lots and don't know pain..28 minutes for the 5 mile races is good for me...DIE HARD BADGER FAN..go brewers and bucks..not too nuts on the packers..i live in the old regents with my cc friend griff..other than that i like having fun and getting shitfaced at parties, stadiums and bars..I LOVE EBAY..women make me happy..i listen to music and play the viola..and i'll do some crazy shit too..bottom line:i'm never bored and my life is always happening Get Your Own! | View Slideshow
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