gimiks profile picture


First with your mind....then with your hands, to create the perfect bonsai...

About Me

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My Interests

hmmm...well now the usual, bonsai, sausage dogs, penguins, graffiti...interesting things....did i mention I love hiphop like a certain monster loves busicut treats...?!!

I'd like to meet:

jim henson, jimmy hendrix, ghost face, soundwave, hot rod, blaster.....oh and the cookie monster...yep definately the cookie monster


strickly hip hop my friend...with a dabble of bob, jimi and ol blue eyes.


Transformers The Movie(the real one not the lame 2007 one-Micheal Bay u well n truely suck!!)!!!!The dark Crystal, Labrynth, Resivour Dogs, Salute of the Jugger, taxi driver, fight club, snatch, lockstock, akira.....if its animated ill be down no doubt


yes....muppet show-bring that shit back!!!!!!!!!!!


yeah sometimes, where the wild things are! anything amongst the drangonlance saga...when im not drawing or cooking omletes!


naaa, villains, gotta be villains....apocalypse, mr. sinister, megatron all the know he made optimus his bitch!!!!

My Blog

misinterpretation of a sinister sort..

Right. For those who live in Brisbane or the Valley they will know what this is about. I really hope they dont, but one can only have their fingers crossed so much untill all feeling is gone. For thos...
Posted by gimiks on Fri, 12 Oct 2007 05:30:00 PST