Reality TV (of course), cooking, shopping, great restaurants, travel and good wine and people who are able to be bad and good at the same time.test
People who aren't hypocrites. People who say what they mean and mean what they say. People who don't break promises. People who think more of others than they do themselves. Openminded people. Happy people. People who really care about their families, and not just say they do. People who refuse to be the victim.George Strait - Frosty The Snowman
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I absolutely LOVE oldies (70s-80s), country and jazz.
I Am Sam, The Color Purple, Never Been Kissed, Girl Interrupted, Dirty Dancing, Full Metal Jacket, The Banger Sisters, and many more.
I love reality tv....The Amazing Race, Big Brother, Survivor, The Biggest Loser, Wife Swap, Trading Spouses....I love The Brady Bunch and can tell you which episode it is within 30 seconds. I love to watch any Rachael Ray program...and...really, for that matter...anything on The Food Network.
My heroes are my family.....My husband Mark and my kiddos...Jessica and Chris.
J Joyful
O Organic
N New
I Influential
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