good food good lovin good fun
maybe i'll know when i meet him.. her. it. whatever.
Walk the Line, Signs, Wedding Crashers, American Gangster, Deju Vu, Closer, Wicker Park, Resurrecting the Champ, Closer, I am Legend, Sweet Home Alabama....
PPV movies and the NFL channel are the only two things EVER on at my house!! Interracial Action is also pretty cool. HA. no for real.
i have a LOT of favorites!!! Beautiful Things that Heaven Bears, Haroun and the Sea of Stories, White Ghost Girls, Feed, White Noise, Native Son, The Road, Green Mansions, Vernoica, Ethan Frome, that really cheesy Earth's Children Series. i've had to read heart of darkness like 50 times, so i guess im partial to it now.
my mammy n pappy.