David- Personal Trainer & Bodybuilder for Hire profile picture

David- Personal Trainer & Bodybuilder for Hire

It's the bad days that make the good days worth while, cuz everything happens for a reason!

About Me

http://www.revolutionmyspace.com/layoutcodes/party-grey-goos e-code.phpmy IM on yahoo and myspace is daveschevyz71....just throwin that out there well hey, my name is david from bay st. louis....i graduated from bay high in '02 and later from jefferson davis community college but you may have seen me at wal-mart, which is how most people recognize me....after all i was there for 4.5 years...yeah i know it was quite a trip.... my current job is aspen a/c and electrical...other than workin on wiring houses by day i turn to my ''passion''....yes i said passion....pumping iron to become a professional bodybuilder within the next 10 years...i plan to compete in the 2008 BATTLE OF BILOXI to make my debut...hey its just what i love to do...well if you want to see what its like to be me...come to my playground...TOTAL BODY AND FITNESS in Waveland behind McDonalds....ill be waiting....TO PUMP...YOU UP....

My Interests

MySpace Countdowns and MySpace Layouts from MakeYourSpace.com Working out at TOTAL BODY (used to train at Prestige Fitness), running on the beach from Coleman Avenue to Washington Street-and back, swimming at East Rec. in Diamondhead, achieving my second degree from college, pursuing my career as a personal trainer while training people at TOTAL FITNESS in Waveland by McDonalds, taking my chevy silverado Z-71 to get some mud on the tires, and just hanging out with friends

I'd like to meet:

Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jay Cutler (again), and you...of course...well I'm workin on that....I would like to meet a chick that understands what i do and just has an overall fun personality...someone i would actually like to hang out with...sorry smokers but I can't stand the smoke, but don't care if you like to drink...A CHICK THAT CAN COOK WOULD BE AWESOME....my fav is CHICKEN....but I dont think i could live without PEANUT BUTTER....I put peanut butter on everything....if you can master chicken and peanut butter....your name is.....


Well depending on the situation depends on the music. When I get in the gym I only want to listen to rock music, but when I'm out drivin'or just doin' whatever I mostly listen to country and sometimes a little rap. FAVORITES: Country: Tim McGraw, Garth Brooks, Kenny Chesney, George Strait, Rascal Flats Rock: Three Days Grace, Nickelback, Linkin Park, Godsmack, Your results:
You are Hulk Hulk 100% Iron Man 100% The Flash 95% Green Lantern 70% Batman 65% Catwoman 65% Robin 62% Supergirl 60% Superman 55% Spider-Man 55% Wonder Woman 40% You are a wanderer with
amazing strength.
Click here to take the "Which Superhero am I?" quiz...


The Predator, Pumpin Iron, Van Wilder, Office Space,The Matrix (all of them), The Pest, Ace Ventura (both), Super Troopers, Joe's Apartment, Wedding Crashers
Your Adult Film Star Name Is...
Rod Steel What's Your Adult Film Star Name?


Anything dealing with nutrition, sports medicine, supplements,and bodybuilding...World's Strongest Man Contest, CSI-las vegas and miami, Monk, Futurama, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Family Guy, Matlock....


Body For Life,


There are:
people with my name
in the U.S.A.
How many have your name?


parents of course, my brother Donnie, and of course my sister Lisa, but for my inspiration in bodybuilding : Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jay Cutler...... BATTLE OF BILOXI-(bodybuilding contest)-July 30,2005 BATTLE OF BILOXI- -July 29,2006 BATTLE OF BILOXI- -JULY 28, 2007
Name: David Gaines
Birthday: June 10, 1984
Birthplace: Gulfport
Current Location: Waveland
Eye Color: hazel
Hair Color: brown
Height: 5' 11''
Right Handed or Left Handed: right
Your Heritage: French, German, and probably more
The Shoes You Wore Today: nike
Your Weakness: fitness chicks.....when they say anything about fitness, supplements, working out
Your Fears: fear itself
Your Perfect Pizza: chicken, spinach, bellpeppers, cheese
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: completing my personal trainer program
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: lol
Thoughts First Waking Up: yes i go to the gym in 10 hours
Your Best Physical Feature: arms
Your Bedtime: whenever i pass out
Your Most Missed Memory: too long of a story....
Pepsi or Coke: ....neither....water
MacDonalds or Burger King: MacDonalds
Single or Group Dates: depends on the where we are going
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: either...not picky
Chocolate or Vanilla: chocolate
Cappuccino or Coffee: don't drink either
Do you Smoke: heck no
Do you Swear: only when i get mad.....so not much at all
Do you Sing: ha ha ha.....everyone does....i just can't sing well
Do you Shower Daily: definitely
Have you Been in Love: yes....longer story
Do you want to go to College: already graduated from college....want 3 more degrees though....its gonna take a while
Do you want to get Married: of course
Do you belive in yourself: firmly
Do you get Motion Sickness: if i don't eat before i go on a carnival ride...its rough
Do you think you are Attractive: you tell me....i'll get more pix eventually
Are you a Health Freak: DEFINITELY....but everyone is unique
Do you get along with your Parents: always have
Do you like Thunderstorms: best sleep ever
Do you play an Instrument: tried bass guitar....key word tried
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: no....not since Thanksgiving '00....another long story
In the past month have you Smoked: no
In the past month have you been on Drugs: no
In the past month have you gone on a Date: yeah....im not that bad of a loser...come on now
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: yeah
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: no
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: heck yeah.....i want my own oriental chick to make oriental food for me all the time when i get rich
In the past month have you been on Stage: almost entered the Battle of Biloxi....bodybuilding competition
In the past month have you been Dumped: no
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: not lately
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: innocently enough i stole some food from my roommate....but he eats all of my stuff anyway
Ever been Drunk: Thanksgiving '00 was the last time
Ever been called a Tease: not that i know of
Ever been Beaten up: heck no...no one wants to fight me for some strange reason
Ever Shoplifted: no
How do you want to Die: i don't want to preconceive it....just take me
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: a professional personal trainer of the champions....and own my own gym
What country would you most like to Visit: australia...the land and water is gorgeous
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color: hazel...i like variety
Favourite Hair Color: lately it has been black....but it doesn't matter
Short or Long Hair: long.....i love a chick with silky hair
Height: doesn't matter....your height will probably work
Weight: as long as she takes care of herself
Best Clothing Style: her own....but i like variety....change it up a bit
Number of Drugs I have taken: none
Number of CDs I own: you count them when i meet u
Number of Piercings: none
Number of Tattoos: none...but my friends think i should get one
Number of things in my Past I Regret: nothing.....everything happens for a reason

My Blog


  well my roommates and some friends have almost convinced me to join the army...the benefits mostly persuading me are: full paid tuition for the rest of my college degrees, immediate officer ran...
Posted by David- Personal Trainer & Bodybuilder for Hire on Wed, 04 Apr 2007 07:54:00 PST

labor day weekend went to michaels....left with 6 stitches

well hey there......how was your labor day...well thats just great...mine was a tad bit different...it all started off by me going to michaels (club on 49 in gulfport) with some friends and drinking.....
Posted by David- Personal Trainer & Bodybuilder for Hire on Mon, 04 Sep 2006 02:35:00 PST