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Make your own scroller at kawaiispace.com!CB4LIFE INTERVIEW WATCH OUT 4 THE LIVE VIDEO INTERVIEWMe = what does cb4life stand 4
Cb4life= Cyco Brother as a kid I always wanted to be my own man but my brother was so popular he was like a legend know matter what I tried to do good or bad they would call me little cyco. I never really accept it un2 the day my brother u know. I told my self it shouldn’t be a problem being named after a person fought a hole neighborhood wit me a person who would die 4 me a person who taught me how to rap and all had to do was not make that name ever be forgotten how would I do that by becoming CB4lifeMe = That was deep if u had to say 1 thing u hate about being a artist from Maryland
What would it be?
Cb4life= It so hard to show love because every 1 Hates niggas isn’t even famous yet and u here dis song about each other that drive me crazy I love to here competetion but this isn’t friendly this is just hate and if we did more songs together other then staying in are own little record label camps we would have a better chance feel me. me i just dont dis other people men respect men so i rather just holler at u man to man b 4 it goes to farMe =What Kind of music do u make?
Cb4life = I am a all around rapper i speak off emoution and exsperience only thing I don’t rap about is what I have u know money bling bling shit its not a dis to anyone who wants to but I am from where if u brag u get what u deserve I aint better then no man because I ride a Benz which i dont and they drive a bucket vice verca plus life aint all about that get money or die shit I rap about female to cause any body can relate on relationships good or bad you know im not super man with my music like I don’t like to get to gangster wit my rapping but I am really around all dis if I was born in a different place u would here a hole other person if I didn’t show all sides of me if I didn’t talk about the bad side I be fake plus there’s people who relate to what I say those who don’t should have a better understanding on those who have the same morals and codes that I have. If u ever here my music I get very personal with it I put things that really happen to me some times I have to blank out names 4 law reasons in my songs reality hip hop I call it.ME = What influence you?
Cb4life = Every day people like I don’t look up to gangsters all the time I might look to a dude who did it a different way it easy to do what u know but hard to find out what you don’t know go against the grain. I love thinking different I am so quiet you never know what I am thinking or feeling that’s the way I like it.Me = Why do you feel the need to say your from Maryland when DC is so close that what they say your from anyway.
Cb4life= Respect too many people died here 4 me not to rep where we from don’t get me wrong I love DC same love as Maryland but I am not from DC I am from P.G. Landover if I was DC I would be upset if I did say I was from DC when I am not that’s respect 4 them I could take easy way out like other rappers and say I am from DC but in not I despise rappers entertainers’ who do that you’re a trader and your fake I don’t respect that.