Everything interests me... I never want to stop growing and learning... If it moves I have driven it or flown it or captained it... If there is a continent I have been there... there are still mountains waiting to be climbed and people waiting to be met....Kilimanjaro here I come ... Africa watch out...
Anyone who is cool... just people who are real and want to mix with real people...not people who want to waste time IMing me because they have no life...People who want to share a life or are looking to grow through learning about others...."If you have something to say say it because it is hard to speak from the grave...."I have met so many people and have been intirgued by many..my life is still magical and I am always aazed when someone cool is on the other end of the phone... Still have not played with Kid Rock though so I am waiting man...
DUDES I am an old school Dj from back in the day and my collection is eclectic, What is life without music, I have produced some managed some and spun a lot...everything rocks when you are in the moment...Here is where we get trippy... Classical .. Yo-yo Ma.. the boy can play and to hear him live is incredible.. but then you have Kid Rock and he is just a Bad Ass...Old school Rap, Country with a kick,Mellisa Ethridge when you need to figure out what your lady is thinking...ANY thing with a beat that moves and a great hook, Old Blues...Eminem when you need to work out hard... Lounge and intenational beats from the Middle East and India... thanks Buda Bar for lettig the world here how it was done ... some things should be left secrets....
None But I love the 24 Videos... I need to wait to the end of the season and get them all at once because the suspense would kill me....
1000's and 1000's read 1-3 a week and love it... Have written two one will be out this year.... Favorite... Ishmael, The Namesake, The Celestine Prophecy, Good to Great, Blink, Fountainhead, Les Miserable, Think and Grow Rich, A prayer for Owen Meany, The Auto Biography of Benjamin Franklin, Davinci code and all books from same author, Tom Clancy, Jim Patterson are awesome.... Love Harry Potter.... Love the Hobbit....When you are moody Henry Miller When you are sexy Ann Rampling... Anais Nin.... I want to list a best of bibliography so I will work on it....
Gandhi, Tony Robbins, Friends you may not know yet but should....