Alexandra Day profile picture

Alexandra Day

I'm pretty sure you want this album...

About Me

Born in the nation’s capital, and raised in Gaithersburg, MD, Alexandra Day was was a funny kid who started talking in complete sentences and would rather hang out in the music room than go to recess. She studied piano as a child and took every opportunity to sing.
After 13 years of piano lessons, 4 years earning a classical voice degree, 3 years singing pop covers in a wedding band, and 2 years studying and performing jazz, Alexandra Day has returned to her first love: writing and performing her own songs. You can hear the different places she’s been, in a nice counterpoint passage, in a bluesy chord sequence, in her vocal flexibility. You can also hear the influences of singer-songwriters that she admires, such as Fiona Apple, Jeff Buckley, Joni Mitchell, and Patty Griffin.
No Castles No Moats features ten original songs with impressive vocal melodies, often gorgeous and sometimes whimsical. Alexandra's voice soars through the album's landscape with ease, versatility, and authenticity. She uses a wide palette of tones to convey meaning; “Under the Bridge” showcases silky, watery tones integrated with quarter-tones and chromatics gleaned from jazz, eastern, and middle-eastern singing styles. “Tofu Song” has a straightforward folk-like delivery, and “You Won’t Be The Fool” tends toward the torch song.
Along with the vocals, the keys, played by Alexandra, are No Castles No Moats' foundation. Classical training and pop sensibility combine in piano and string arrangements that crescendo gently, as in "I've Been Wrong Before," evoke a memory of Bach in “I Want You To Be My Love,” or conjure storm clouds in "Walls," the mid-album show-stopper. A cadre of accomplished Philly musicians bring in cello, guitar, drums, and bass to many of the songs.
Imbued with themes of longing, this album explores phases of a relationship using a variety of architectural metaphors, effectively channeling complimentary amounts of vulnerability and humor. Alexandra writes, plays, and sings with spark and grace that shine through the whole album.
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Click here to download the album.

My Interests


Member Since: 8/20/2006
Band Website: coming soon:
Band Members: Alexandra Day- Vocals, Piano
Monica McIntyre- Cello
Kevin Hanson- Guitars
Ken Pendergast- Bass
Chuck Staab- Drums This layout was handmade with love by the folks at My space or yours? Go get one!

Influences: Alicia Keys
Bonnie Raitt
Box Five
Ella Fitzgerald
Erykah Badu
Eva Cassidy
Fiona Apple
Jeff Buckley
Joni Mitchell
Over the Rhine
Patti Griffin
Paula Cole
Rufus Wainwright
Stevie Wonder

Sounds Like: awesome
Record Label:
Type of Label: None

My Blog

First show in CD Release Tour: Banjo Jims: A SUCCESS!

So, the first show in my CD Release tour is done! I can’t believe this is really happening, but I have 1000 CDs in my living room, and a bunch of email addresses from last night’s show, s...
Posted by Alexandra Day on Wed, 09 Apr 2008 09:12:00 PST


... i’m not gonna lie.... i cried when I saw it had come in the mail....
Posted by Alexandra Day on Thu, 13 Mar 2008 08:15:00 PST

mixing DONE mastering DONE

Thanks to the hard work, dedication, focus and talent of Cody Cichowski at Milkboy Studios, and Dave McNair and his staff at Scott Hull Mastering, the mixing and mastering of No Castles No Moats has b...
Posted by Alexandra Day on Wed, 12 Mar 2008 08:05:00 PST

So how’s that CD going?

AWESOME. I'm probably about halfway through the process. Almost all of the songs have been started, and some are basically finished (Tofu Song and Troubling, if you're curious). The CD should be do...
Posted by Alexandra Day on Wed, 30 Jan 2008 09:03:00 PST

Thankfulness. Lets trade!

Hey Y'all-- it's almost thanksgiving time so I'm gonna get the ball rolling. I am thankful for:the kind words of those who encouraged me while i had laryngitis last weekraw honeygreen teathe people t...
Posted by Alexandra Day on Wed, 14 Nov 2007 07:01:00 PST

Glitter Kisses to All

Glitter Kisses to All Who Came to Milkboy Tonight To See My Show. Also thanks to Ken Pendergast for his bass-playing skills.
Posted by Alexandra Day on Thu, 18 Oct 2007 10:39:00 PST

What an amazing night of women making music...

Something amazing happened tonight...I went to Dawson's St. Pub ( because the host of their Wednesday night open mic (I love you, Bill) decided to plan an all-women singer/song...
Posted by Alexandra Day on Thu, 08 Feb 2007 10:36:00 PST

All songs now DOWNLOADABLE!

Downloadable?I figure... now that I'm playing these songs for free at coffee shops, you might as well be able to get them for free on the internet too. I mean, it's basically the same except I don't ...
Posted by Alexandra Day on Sun, 04 Feb 2007 12:30:00 PST

Song and Video from Tin Angel Posted!

The Tin Angel show with Birth of Venus was totally awesome. The crowd was happy and large, and the performances went well. Good vibes and musical ladies were everywhere!! I played one of my solo son...
Posted by Alexandra Day on Sun, 17 Dec 2006 10:24:00 PST

bizarre day

today i woke up at 1 pm possibly hungoverout of it out of it out of itpushed a 4-yr-old on a swing in the dark clammy evening and thought i was every person that had ever pushed a child on a swing, a...
Posted by Alexandra Day on Thu, 14 Dec 2006 12:50:00 PST