♥Follower of Christ♥ profile picture

♥Follower of Christ♥

JESUS is the answer. :)

About Me

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The Love Test
AOL Screenname: sweeetladyofgod

I am Fallon :)

Fallon:: I am completely IN LOVE with my Lord, Savior & best friend: Jesus Christ :) , I love love love my natural and spiritual brothers and sisters!, student at NC A&T, silly , honest , loving , FORGIVING, trustworthy , open to correction, likes bright colors , and funny....So there's my little intro....


I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU HAVE DONE, WHERE YOU ARE FROM, WHO YOU ARE, ETC. God loves you no matter what. He alawys will. Don't EVER let anyone make you think that God doesn't love you. Everything that you have ever done and ever thought, and will think and do He already knows about. So, He knows you will sin before you do it, but He still loves you. Nothing you have done or can do will surprise Him. BUT, He is asking you to come back to Him. He is asking you to talk to Him. He is asking you to hear Him.
I have a pretty long testimony that is still growing to this day. I have been through quite a bit. I have been many things to different people and do myself. I am confident that I can relate to thousands of hurting people at least on one level. I use to think I was unworthy of God's love or that since I was homosexual He didn't love me or I was the exception that wouldnt make it into heaven. I thought that since people treated me like nothing, I was nothing. But, truly God sees us as precious diamonds. It doesn't matter what people think of you, God thinks the highest of you and His opinion is way more important than anyone else's. He has a heaven and a hell to put us in. Not only that, but He is ruler of this whole universe. He is our Father. For many reasons does His opinion overrule others....
You ARE loved. :) *hug*

My name

Royalty, of a ruling family (God has the throne)
Child of a leader
Christ-Bearer; Christian (I am a follower of Christ)
Isn't that amazing? :)
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Strive NOT TO HAVE A RELIGION, but to have a RELATIONSHIP with Christ. Jesus didn't give His life so that we could have a ritual, a pattern, a fake way of life...He died so that we could have a deep, personal, direct and loving relationship with Him.
Joyce Meyer speaks on this message very well. Visit her website, here . :)
LONG SUFFERING COMES WITH VICTORY. In order to grow, we must go through some things. Don't be discouraged and cry about it, my love. Praise God for the victory you are going to receive. The victory you have received.
If you have a plant, would you keep it locked in the closet? No! It would die. But if you wanted it to grow, you would put it in the light...and even rotate it! God will often rotate us in the light to strengthen us.
So be glad in tribulation, because you know it cannot last always. Just like today has to end and tomorrow must begin, trials must end and the morning must come!! Just stand firm on the Word of God.
THiNGS that I ♥/like....
JESUS!!!, His Word, being humbled/corrected by God's Word, everyone, my family, friends, fellowshiping, reading God's Word, helping people, giving, making people laugh, being silly, drawing, painting, music (praise/worship), church, bible study, pleasing God, bright colors, making up words, cooking, spaghetti, pizza, chicken, shopping (especially for others), swimming & any opportunity to get closer to God and or save a lost soul
THiNGS that I don't like/hate :(
the devil, sin, secular music, ketchup, heights, overeating, black licorice, snoring, bad higene, closed in spaces, brussel sprouts, hurting peoples' feelings, being away from God's presence, chocolate--because it's so tasty but breaks out my skin :(
EVERYTIME YOU SAY SOMETHING NEGATIVE, YOU PLANT A NEGATIVE SEED. What is a seed? Something that when planted, has to grow. When you speak ill of your neighbor, you are cursing their lives and yours. Remember, that these people are your brothers and sisters.
"Therefore do not be ashamed of the testimoney of our Lord, nor of me His prisoner, but share with me in the sufferings for the gospel according to the power of God"
--2 TIMOTHY 1:8(New King James Version)
Choose your friends wisely. Because they can bring you down or make you settle for mediocrasy or encourage you to go farther in life. Two unlike spirits cannot dwell together for too long. A righteous spirit and a wicked spirit should not be able to dwell together for too long without one feeling uncomfortable and or compromising. Light cannot mix with darkness.

My Interests

Good website that that I recommend:
This website has some great info on it! Pointed out to me by Minister T.J. .




*~ About MOI ~*
Name~ Fallon Christina Bell
Nick NAme Fallon Ballon, Fally, Fal-Bell, Fals, Fally-poo
Age 18
Sex Female, duh! :)
Location Greensboro, NC
What are you wearing A long colorful skirt(with black) & a black shirt and a dark cream colored half jacket
Fears God hasn't given me the spirit of fear, silly!!
Bad Habits Hmm....I don't think I have any? I slip up every once in a while but nothing consistent
*~ Favorites~*
Color Hot pink!!! :) And orange, yellow, red, white, brown
Candy Sprees, sour patch kids, reces(sp?)
Phrase Don't be that way, I love you, That's not the way to be, Kk, Like..., You should SO..., Whatev
Animal Kitties!!! And puppies....
Letter J
Body Part on BOY/Girl Eyes (the window to the soul)
*~ Your.....~*
Bedtime Whenever I fall asleep...like who still has a bedtime, k? lol (j/k)
Best Physical Feature Uhm....my dimples?
Yur ride or die Friends Jesus Christ
First thoughts waking up Thank you, Jesus!
Longest Relationship The one I'm in now
Most missed memorys Being with my fam
Pets None :(
*~ Random ~*
Ever flash someone I don't think so....
Ever gone skinny dipping Nope
Do u have crush on someone Yeah, my boo
Are u a vegitarian Nope, but I try not to eat pork or beef
Single or taken Taken! Forever!
Health Freak Nah, but I like veggies and I take vitamins
Do u wear Contacts Nope. 20/25 vision
Do u drink Nope! :) Jesus has delivered me from that
Hate anyone No!!! I love all my brothers and sisters
Are u Flirtacious Nope, but sometimes ppl take my excessive kindness as flirting...
Group or Single dates Both!
Ever been in love I'm in love now!
Are u a Virgin? Nope.
*~ This or That~*
Mickey d's or burger king McDonalds! :)
Chocolate or Vanilla Chocolate
T.V or computer computer, because I have a TV on my computer
Cell phone or Digital Camera Hmm....how bout a cell phone with a digital camera built in?
Kisses or Licks Kisses
Dogs or Cats Aww, I want both!!!
Pepsi or coke Neither! Soda makes me break out :(
Rap or Rock Neither. Gospel.
Summer or Winter
Red Bull or Crunk Juice Neither. How bout water....
Love or Money Love!
*~ In a Guy/Gurl ~*
Height Whatev
Body type ''
style If he can go to church with me the way he always dresses, that's a plus! :)
Looks Whatev
Personality ''
Eye color ''
Hair- long or short ''
Virgin ''
# of tattoo's Not a lot...
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I like to watch the church services that come on earlier in the morning like B.Courtney McBath, Joyce Meyer, and this couple...they both minister. I can't member their names :( A light skinned woman and her kinda brown kinda dark husband ...he's got glasses? Oh well.I also watch Lift Every Voice


The Holy Bible
Light for my Path (for teens)
Battlefield of the Mind by Joyce Meyer
Experiencing God Day-by-Day by Richard & Henry T. Blackaby



Daily Bible Verse