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About Me

My Testimony
I think everyone who came to Christ and are living for Him should always give their testimony so that it may increase people's faith. Why?.. Because there are full time Christians and part-time Christians (hypocrites some call them). That make people figure, "Hey..., they call themselves Christians and do the same thing I do, soooo what’s the difference." But don’t get me wrong no one is perfect but God and Jesus. BUT, that same christian who's supposed to be representing; could very much be the person, to increase someone else’s faith, but because they were out doing their own thing and not representing God, someone doesn’t believe now.... Seen it happen plenty of times. But we all know, there are some things you just don't do, and I think everyone knows them. And with that, we have to understand the whole reason why we go to church and read the Bible. The bible is like a manual to life, and without it we're not going to know how to operate; but it is a process. I used to think of Christians as these, crazy, radical folks, who I basically stayed away from, cause I wanted no parts with them. Because I knew it was something about them that I didn’t want to embrace at that time. I always used to say "God knows my heart", or "one day I will come to Him," when really I was saying, "God, I’m doing my own thing now, but I will holla back at ya in a year or so, ....maybe, if I’m not too busy". But man..... was I in for a surprise!! I moved down to Raleigh in 97' Nov. 22nd, my parents were gonna get married, and thats really why we moved, but God had different plans for us all. My father was, and is in the army, soon 2 retire this year sometime. But to make a loooong story short, me and my moms moved out, and she used to work at nights at 1st, and I was about 14, 15, in the 9th grade, so I used to go out at night and meet a lot of older folks due to the 12th graders that rode my bus. Started to smoke weed, then along came the obsession with girls, and then I realized that me and all my friends were buying weed, and smoking it daily. So I decided to buy the weed and sell it to my friends since they were pot-heads like me. So around the age of 16, I’m thinking "I'm that dude! (full of pride), and to me at the time money was coming in to slow, so I started to sell crack, and by 17 wasn’t nothing you could tell me. The music I made(secular music), and the old g's (so to speak) on the block kept boosting my head up, not to mention the lustful women I had. I got tired of selling so much crack and seeing the effects of crack on people; So I stopped and got some guns, and started to rob people at gun point(figured this was face money, and no one could get hurt). And so I was the stick-up kid, did it at night, daytime, in front of your kids, it didn’t matter. I was so blinded by my own ignorance that I couldn’t see all the harm I was causing. By 18, I had 2 guns, and every thing I wanted basically (material-wise). I always used to rap since 14, so by then I just rapped about what I did....Sicko, right?! I trusted in my friends but in the end, no one was there for me (except God). I used to let some of my friends rob others with my guns(like a dummy) (but I’m glad I did, because I wouldn’t be giving this testimony now). Two weeks after my 18th birthday, I got locked up for armed robbery. They came and got me from school for something I didn’t even do. BUT the act was commited with my gun, and when it all comes down to it, when all fingers are pointed back at you, that’s all that counts. I got out on bail on the 3rd day. Full of hate, I wanted to kill someone for saying my name in the 1st place. All my friends coming up 2 me; "yo Steph we know who gave up your name, and how they found your gun, lets go run up on him now" but I knew obviously, if anyone got beat-up, or shot and died, I would be the 1st person the police came to. All of a sudden, things became real serious to me. And I wasn't going to do anything stupid, like my friends were suggesting, like this was some movie or something. I was feeling REAL STUPID. Honestly, I didn’t know what to do. My mom’s was like "Do you want to go to church?” I'm thinking, ...... yeah right...all my life we been dodging church, and now you wanna go... But I always had the perception that if something ever went wrong, or you needed SERIOUS answers, you should go to God. And so I did. That sunday when we went to church, there was a man by the name of "Robert Kayanja" there; Powerful Man of God. He started prophesying, which is basically when God gives someone a vision about the future or about something that happened in someone’s life that only God would know. Pastor Kayanja started prophesying about this lady and called her out, and was telling her how she tried to get surgery in her eye, so that she could receive her sight back, but the surgery was unsuccessful, as she identified with what he was saying she started crying, and he laid hands on her and prayed for her in the name of Jesus that she would receive her sight, and she was healed. I’m sitting there like, whoa.... this dude must know her or something, because he did not, could not have just done what I think he did. Which is crazy when I think about it.... I said that I believed in God all through out my life, but there i was debating on God giving a man the power to heal someone... I basically was limiting God's power. Then, Pastor Robert Kayanja also called out this man who actually was blind and crippled, and I was like "What is this dude about to do", Pastor Kayanja began to pray for his sight first. After he prayed, He told him to open his eyes and asked him what does he see, and he told him, that he saw a hand(which the Pastor was waving). Then he rebuked the spirit that was causing him not to walk and healed him (God healed him) in the name of Jesus. Meanwhile there i am in the back......looking like....."mannnn this has to be staged!, this crap aint real!!" My heart was so bitter,........ it wasnt even that i didn't believe but rather, I didn’t want to believe. But as I was contemplating in my head if it was real or not; he called me out, about my gun situation, and told me exactly what was going to happen on my court date. At that time, I was just looking stupid, and began to breakdown **I dont care how gangsta somebody might think they are, when you are in the presence of God, you will breakdown** after he called me out, I stepped forward, like he told me to, and was just thinking, my whole life I have been living a lie!!!, and I started thinking about everything that I had did wrong, reflecting back on all my sins; ashamed. Then he laid hands on me and prayed for me. And I was just puzzled, afraid, confused, but deep down inside at peace; if that makes any since. I realized that God loved me that much that in the midst of me denying His power, me running from Him so long, me harming others, me judging others, he still showed me the truth. And what he told me was going to happen on my court date, happened just as he said. But I’m not gonna front, I went home that same day and smoked maddd trees, trying to forget what just happened, because it happened so fast. I went from being a terrorist, living life with no boundaries, to all of a sudden realizing, I was in danger of Hell, and I had purpose, and God wanted to use me, and share this testimony, to open the eyes of others as well. And all this happened in the beginning of April 05'. I got locked up in April, went to church in April, court date was April 28, graduated through the grace of God May 28th, and now I’m 21; GLORY TO GOD!!. Over that summer of 05', God began to reveal myself to me, and everything that was in my heart. And from that point I couldn’t even read the Bible like some people, and be like "I don’t understand it, or "this is stupid", or "this doesn’t make sense", because I knew that God was real. I knew that anything I didn’t understand was because of my own ignorance, and I needed to pray for understanding, and talk to someone else in the faith who had a closer relationship with Him. But please don't ge tit twisted, It wasn’t a walk in the park, by no-means, but by the end of that summer, I had given up, sex, drugs, pride, arrogance, jealousy, and i knew that God had delivered me from it all. And I realized also, that it only took so long for me to be delivered, because I wasn’t fully submitted to God. I wanted to do it my way;..... and His way, part-time, but He wasn’t having that. "There is no partiality with God(Romans 2:11). He will take you as you are, but He wants your heart, so that He can began to cleanse it. But I was baptized September 18th. And that’s the day I go by me giving my entire life to Christ, because prior to that I was still basically living in denial of my calling. But now I do Christian rap, produce beats, and preach the Gospel to whoever has an ear to hear, and is willing to accept it. There were many more supernatural things that took place; like me getting visions, prophesies for others and from others, but for me to talk about how much God has done for me!!.............I honestly wouldnt be able to tell it all. But just know I’m here for you, moreso God is here for you. And know that God has a perfect plan for EVERYONE. But He needs our commitment, and obedience. But I’m here for anyone, whenever you may need to pray, talk about the bible, go to church, just chill, or anything related to the Kingdom. Just know I’m here for you!
P.S Dont think that just because I have been through all those things, I'm someone super special, or look at others as I'm superior. God is no respecter of persons, so neither can I be. I just had to go through all those things, cause He knew that was the best way to get through to my egg head. But i'm completely down to earth. I don't look down on anybody. I don't have amnesia lol. I know what i've been through, and how long it took me to change. I treat everybody the same. Jesus ate with the sinners, and so do I. But He's influence made the greater impact, and His lifestyle spoke for Itself; ya-know!! I Pray this testimony increased your faith.
Be Blessed,

My Interests


Member Since: 20/10/2006
Band Website:
Influences: Every Man and Woman of God, putting in work for the Kingdom!
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

We Got To Yield!!

Lately God has been showing me how much liberty(freedom); He has entrusted me with. And recently revealed some things to me, of which i had to repent. And that was, of how I, was getting confortable i...
Posted by on Tue, 18 Sep 2007 00:50:00 GMT

Are You In The Flesh, Or Are You Walking In The Spirit?

                           ~There Is Complete Restoration In His Word~ I encourage...
Posted by on Tue, 18 Sep 2007 00:49:00 GMT

"Its Summer Time, And Exercise Is On Peoples Minds"

So...Its Summer Time, And Exercise Is On Peoples Minds. Which is not a problem. Its definately on my mind as well. But one thing the Lord has been revealing to me is that. 1 Timothy 4:8"bodily exercis...
Posted by on Mon, 11 Jun 2007 21:52:00 GMT


Lately i've been seeing ALOT of Deception. And honestly its getting Stupid!I've been seeing Deception, from people, serving others gods, claiming to be hearing from God; when the situation is total co...
Posted by on Mon, 04 Jun 2007 14:33:00 GMT

"Clarification On Temptation"

My main point in this message, is going to be about Temptation. But also to understand that you have to understand idleness. Idle time is the devils workshop. And idle time opens doors to temptationOn...
Posted by on Mon, 04 Jun 2007 14:32:00 GMT


Music+Words=Praisewords only; can also be a form of Praise & WorshipBUT to WHOWho are you worshiping, Who are you giving Praise to.Man or GodAre you dancing to praises unto the Lord or man.We shou...
Posted by on Tue, 24 Oct 2006 13:47:00 GMT


"TIME" Many people are worried about "Time", not fully realizing God is in charge of "Time" at all "Times".  He can choose to end your "Time"; because of disobedience, evilness, denial...
Posted by on Sun, 22 Oct 2006 15:23:00 GMT