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Be yourself. Who else is better qualified?

About Me

Sup fellas? My name is Shon. I'm mostly on Myspace for fun....I'm not on here as much as I used to be..So just enjoy viewing my pics and clips for now. I'll be posting new ones soon. I guess it's also time for a new clip or two right? Layout made by infamous_chiq at CreateBlog.com .
Name: Shonveal
Birthdate: Nov.8
Birthplace: Kinston, NC
Current Location: Raleigh, NC
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Hair Color: Black
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 98 lbs.
Piercings: just ears now; used 2 have belly button
Tatoos: 4
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: no
Dating Preference: men
Food: Soul Food
Candy: Sweet Tarts
Number: 8
Color: Pink-green
Animal: Dog
Drink: Sprite
Alcohol Drink: don't drink
Bagel: none
Letter: S
Body Part on Opposite sex: Chest
This or That
Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi
McDonalds or BurgerKing: McDonald's (except for Breakfast)
Strawberry or Watermelon: Strawberry
Hot tea or Ice tea: Ice Tea
Chocolate or Vanilla Vanilla
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: Neither
Kiss or Hug: Depends
Dog or Cat: Dog
Rap or Punk: Rap
Summer or Winter: Summer
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: Funny Movies
Love or Money: Love
Bedtime: whenever I'm tired
Most Missed Memory: High school
Best phyiscal feature: Eyes
First Thought Waking Up: Thank you Lord
Goal for this year: finish college)
Best Friends: my sisters
Color of Your razor: pink
Heritage: African American
Longest relationship: 1 year & 1/2
Ever Drank: no
Ever Smoked: no
Pot: no
Ever been Drunk: no
Ever been beaten up: no
Ever beaten someone up: no
Ever Shoplifted: no
Ever Skinny Dipped: no
Ever Kissed Opposite sex: yes
Been Dumped Lately: no
Favorite Eye Color: Any
Favorite Hair Color: Any
Short or Long: any; as long as its neat
Height: taller than me
Style: Fly
Looks or Personality: Personality
Hot or Cute Hot
Drugs and Alcohol: alcohol (socially only)
Muscular or Really Skinny: Muscular
Favorite colors to wear: Green & Red
What country do you want to Visit: Jamaica
How do you want to Die: Peacefully
Been to the Mall Lately: yes
Do you like Thunderstorms: if I have someone to cuddle with, sure
Get along with your Parents: yes
Health Freak: sorta
Decorative color in your bedroom: purple and pink
Believe in Yourself: yes
Want to go to College: yes
Do you Smoke: no
Do you Drink: no
Shower Daily: yes
Been in Love: yes
Number of pple on your top list you know outside of myspace: 7
Want to get Married: yes
Do you want Children: yes
Want more tattoos or piercings?: yes
Are You Spoiled: Very
Hate anyone: no
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My Interests

~shopping, dancing, surfing the net, reading, just chillin @ home, watching movies, traveling, hanging out w/friends, partying, attending special events, concerts, some of everything~ Up for trying new things, as long it is not illegal or life threatening~

I'd like to meet:




I listen to R&B, Rap, Reggae, Gospel, Pop, Reggaeton, some country


Juice, Set It Off, Blood In-Blood Out, Dirty Dancing, Diary of A Mad Black Woman, Their Eyes Were Watching God


~Girlfriends~ ~America's Next Top Model~ ~Oprah~ ~Martin~ ~Beauty & The Geek~ ~Bad Girls Club~


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