FYNE DYME MODEL SEARCHFYNE DYMES is a promotions company dedicated to models, male and female based out of NC. The company has been created for the young and fly, yet professional model to give them the precious exposure needed to the make it in this industry. We will use our connections with the best photographers, make-up artists, entertainers and entertainments, and companies to help them achieve their optimal abilities as a model.Our experience in promotions and event hosting in addition to our networks will be the ultimate edge as we work together to build your career while satisfying clients with beautiful faces to promote their business. FYNE DYMES models will gain access to the industry through updates on music videos, runway projects, print work, promotions, commercials, and event hosting in their favor.FYNE DYMES is in search of models with individual personality, class, character, professionalism, and quality performance. Any interested model should submit 3 photos to include a full body shot along with contact information, body measurements, and all model related experience, if any, to be considered.After careful consideration, if we conclude that you are a FYNE DYME you will be contacted by our office and later placed on our website. We are ready to establish a business relationship with you and our company to your satisfaction.Jay Graham
Fyne Dymes Models and Promotions
[email protected]
252-521-6461Ashia Harrison
[email protected]://www.myspace.com/jay_graham for more information!Get Your Own! | View SlideshowGet Your Own! | View Slideshow
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