For Booking email [email protected] the living consist of Allen(22 years old) high screams/drum machine...Johnny(17 years old)keyboard/ us.....and support all the bands we like..
Add the label we are signed with Wolves Fight Good Records and support all the bands on the label
+ Name
+ Slapendehonden
+ Dog Eats Flesh
+Semen Across Lips
+ Sender Receiver
+ The Muzzler
+ Virgins
+ throwing shrapnel
+ beat the living
Add the other label we signed with Grindhead Records and support all the bands on the label which areAeturnus Dominion, Armpit Rooter, Backyard Mortuary,Beat the Living, Beyond Terror Beyond Grace, Bludgeoner, Corpsicle, Din-Addict, Ebolie, Embodied, Excarnated, Hailstones Kill 200, Halo of Knives, Hard Knuckle Express, Hated By Humanity, M.S.I., Maximum Perversion, Meat Wallet, Mixomatosis, Onanizer,pig grinder, Punisher, Roadside Burial, Shredded Corpse, Silovanje, Soiled Mattress, Sordid, Super Fun Happy Slide, Syphilis, The Ocularis Infernum, Yeah Fuck Yeah Fuckin OathSUPPORT FEARLESS BOOKINGT-Shirts
Coming Soon