"Catch on Fire with enthusiasm and people will come for miles to watch you burn" -John Wesley
Who is our pastor????? Pastor Kathy Redden
Who are our youth leaders????? Ken and Amy Argo
When do we meet????? 7:00p.m. WEDNESDAY NIGHTS!!!!!!!!
Where do we meet????? Dayspring Assembly of God (WE LOVE OUR CHURCH!!!) We will be in the youth room.
Why do we meet????? To learn more about Jesus so that we can help influence the world and be used by God! (TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE)!!!!!!
Other Church services that we ALL need to attend:******************** SUNDAY SCHOOL-9:45 a.m (on Sundays............................................. SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP-10:45 a.m (on Sundays) ..................... EVENING WORSHIP-6:00 p.m. (on Sundays)......................... WEDNESDAY NIGHT BIBLE STUDY-7:00 p.m. (Wednesdays) I just said it again so that you wouldn't forget!
Who is our youth age Sunday School Teacher????? Joey Harryman (13-18)
Visit our official Dayspring Assembly of God website at www.dayspringassemblyofgod.org