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Juggalo Homie

Wicked Klowns

About Me

whats up people, what up im the type of person who is sweet as, as long as you dont fuck me off, dont lie, cheat, steal, i hate it when people say one thing but do another i Hate it, i dont hate people never have, never will, IM TOOOOO NICE!!! Fuck me off and ill shove a shovel up your nose, then insert a fat green hose, you can be sure no one knows, that you are now being eating alive by retarted maggot infested CROWS!!!!TECCCHHHH NNN99999NNNNEEEEEE WICKED CLOWNS WHOOP WHOOP

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Favourite kind of music Wicked shit(acid rap, horrorcall, gangster rap) None of this soft "i miss you girl" or "i love you girl" or "be with me girl" Next time you listen to the RADIO count how man.y songs are about FUCKING Relationships! i DONT GIVE A FUCK! soft as bicthes on radio FUCK OFF!!!! Excuse me i just hate radio they all copy each other. Any way i listen to most Insane Clown Posse, Twiztid, Blaze, Tech N9ne, brotha lynch, thug lordz, dayton family, ABK, And yes they ALL rap ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ _____________________________ !!!!!!!!!!ARTIST INFO!!!!!!!!!!!INSANE CLOWN POSSE: The Insane Clown Posse (ICP) is an American hip hop duo originally from Wayne, Michigan but formed in the Detroit neighborhood of Delray, consisting of Violent J (Joseph Bruce) and Shaggy 2 Dope (Joseph Utsler). The group was originally part of a larger group known as Inner City Posse, who broke up in 1992. They almost always display themselves in character in full black and white "evil clown" makeup, typically in the form of a "happy face." The group has obtained one platinum album and four gold albums[1], as well as their own feature film, and has a dedicated following of fans, known as Juggalos and/or Juggalettes.________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________TECH N9NE: Tech N9ne (born Aaron Dontez Yates on November 8, 1971 in Kansas City, Missouri) is an American rapper. Yates adopted the name "Tech N9ne" in 1988. When asked what was behind the name "Tech N9ne," Aaron responded:My name means Technique Number Nine. Nine is the number of completion. Nine months completes a pregnancy. A cat has nine lives. Three plus six is nine. Three hundred and sixty degrees is a complete circle. Technique number nine – I am a complete technique of rhyme. That’s why you can hear me on a track with Yukmouth, C-Bo or Lynch Hung. You can hear me with Tupac and you can hear me with Spice 1. You can hear me with all these people because I’m well rounded. You can hear me with Eminem on The Wakeup Show. You can hear me with any emcee because I am the complete technique of rhyme. I’m every nigga in one. It’s beautiful.[1]He has sold over 600,000 albums independently [2][3]. He holds the Kansas City SoundScan record for most albums sold in a week (20,000+).[4] ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ TWIZTID: Twiztid is a hardcore hip hop/horrorcore rap group from Eastpointe, Michigan, formed in 1997. They are currently signed to Psychopathic Records.Comrades of the Insane Clown Posse, this duo (previously of House of Krazees) base their act on a somewhat similar makeup image and what might be considered an obsession with serial-killer horror films. Jamie Madrox (James Spaniolo) and Monoxide (Paul Methric) cast themselves as the duo of Twiztid - and act as psychotic axe murderers on their 1998 debut album, Mostasteless (a contraction of "most tasteless") which was reissued with new artwork and extra tracks a year later in the wake of ICP's rise to national notoriety. Twiztid's second album, Freek Show, was released on Halloween 2000 in conjunction with ICP's Bizzar/Bizaar Sets; Mirror Mirror followed two years later. ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________Day ton Family: The Dayton Family is a hardcore rap group that hails from the town of Flint, Michigan.The group originally comprised of Bootleg, Shoestring, and Backstabber. The group is now comprised of Shoestring, Bootleg, Jake The Flake, and Ghetto E. Matthew Hinkle, a.k.a. "Backstabber" was incarcerated sometime after the group released their debut album What's On My Mind?Italic text'. He has not been released since, so on their follow up album, there was only Shoestring and Bootleg contributing to the album. The title of the album, F.B.I.Italic text' is significant with Matthew Hinkle's prison sentence. The Letters stand for F##k Being Indicted. There were guest appearances by Bootleg's brother, Erick Dorsey a.k.a Ghetto E and Esham, a local Micigan rapper from Detroit that pioneered acid rap and made way for others in the Michigan rap scene. Ghetto E later became part of the Dayton Family on the realease of Welcome to the Dopehouse. The group named themselves after one of the most crime ridden streets in Flint, "Dayton Avenue". The Dayton Family is known for their gritty, no nonsense crime tales of ghetto survival, struggle, and poverty instead of riches and fame. ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________KOTTON MOUTH KINGS: Kottonmouth Kings (often referred to as KMK or the King Klick) are an indie rap group from Placentia, California. Formed in 1994, by Brad "Daddy X", under the name P-Town Ballas or simply PTB. The name of the group is derived from the effect of dryness of the mouth induced by cannabis use, often called "cottonmouth." They are a powerful force in the underground rap scene, with a particularly strong following in Southern California and the Western United States.----------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------


Horror movies, comdeys, are ma Favourires.Im Starting out now, to producing my own tracks here at home, so far so good there sounding really good, once ive gotten alot of beats im gunna ryhme and hopefully have sum awsum SHIT to share wit all yall bicthes.


Heroes Freaky as shit hahahahaha,Kottonmouth Kings and Tech N9ne Present "City 2 City" July 2nd

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NEW ICP NEWZ !!!!!!!!!

NEW NEWZ FROM ICP.COM Tempest is still being released March 20th There will be 17 tracks "The Tempest Sampler" will be up on ICP.com any day now. The Tempest World Tour is set to kick off in April. Tw...
Posted by Juggalo Homie on Sun, 21 Jan 2007 09:14:00 PST


Dont for get to get TECH N9NE new album which is what real hip hop/rap should sound like its called "Everready, the religon" go out and BUY!!!!! it go to his myspace page and listen to a few songs JUS...
Posted by Juggalo Homie on Thu, 21 Dec 2006 10:49:00 PST

new Music ALbums

ok right Tech n9ne cd is well.....um......how do .....i......say............................................. ........... THE SHIT GO OUT AND BUY Tech N9ne:Everreday   and tech when you coming to ...
Posted by Juggalo Homie on Wed, 29 Nov 2006 10:23:00 PST


what up yall, wicked CLOWNS Havent been up to much, working and working and getting myself a mad collection of music. I have 96+ cds of compelte UNDERGROUND music, thats NON Mainstream music(stuff you...
Posted by Juggalo Homie on Fri, 08 Sep 2006 03:22:00 PST