Michael profile picture


i'm just blowing smoke up your ass.

About Me

Chances are, you're already in love with me. Think about it. Look at my pictures. ok, now look at my general interests. Look at my pictures again, open a post comment box below the "Zero to Hero" one, think about commenting, no no no, you can't. What is this feeling running through your veins? Why is your face suddenly so warm? I think i can tell you - Chances are, you're already in love with me.I'm really a superb specimen of the human species. i have virtually no known vices - I have hobbies, that may, or may not include, smoking, drinking, leering, capitulating, exasperating, copulating, stipulating and endulating.i'm an excellent marksman, and can spell my name in pee in just about any soft substance....ANY SOFT SUBSTANCE.

My Interests

among my thousands of interests, i have a few that really take precedent over the others. i shall put them in a dashed list here:-photography-drinking-making jokes about your mother-making jokes about my mother-puppies-poop jokes-yum yums-music (the shins, nick drake, grandaddy, the high llamas, bell and sebastian, the postal service, etc, etc, etc)-my bed - not being alonethere are more i'm sure, i'm an enigma.

I'd like to meet:

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uh oh, i listed some music choices in the "about me" section. am i going to be in trouble? i hope not. here is some more music i listen to: modest mouse, the aluminum group, death cab for cutie, dntel, dylan, jeff buckley, harry chapin (i'm serious), the beatles, the who, the polyphonic spree, ben lee, ben kweller, elliott smith (RIP), Aqueduct, Say Hi To Your Mom, Camera Obscura, Ted Leo, Ted Leo/Pharmacists, the ramones, queen, the kleptones, the kills, sondre lerche, broken social scene, beck, apples in stereo, neutral milk hotel, atom and his package, beatles, ben folds, blonde redhead, the flaming lips, wilco, the clash, clem snide, the comas, Doves, grandaddy, iron & wine, the shins, jeff buckley, the baby huey story, jonathan richman, thistle, junior boys, the pernice brothers, pedro the lion, preston school of industry....there's more out there, there's always more.... .. width="425" height="350" ..


so many: Spinal Tap, Night and Fog, Grey Gardens, Crumb, Old School, American History X, Ace Ventura, Raging Bull, I Know My Name Is Stephen, Spider-Man, The Lord of the Ring Trilogy (or, as i like to call it, THRILLOGY!!!), and I can't believe i forgot this (i can thank Alison for this) - UHF, forgot how good it is. i can't think of any more right now, but there are more, i'm sure of it! .. width="425" height="350" ..


American Chopper, Family Business, Average Joe Hawaii, My Big Fat Obnoxious Fiance, Scrubs, I really liked the Spider man cartoon on MTV, Scrubs, Lost, 24, reading. .. width="425" height="350" .. Ice TV

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Anything by Hubert Selby Jr. - Last Exit to Brooklyn, Requiem for a Dream, Songs of a Silent Snow, the Demon. Confederacy of Dunces, Ben and Me, Interview with a Vampire, Cantebury Tales, Calvin and Hobbes.


.. width="425" height="350" ..And... Pretentious Illiterate

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